Let's Vaccine! Enesis Group Holds Vaccination Center For Jakarta Residents

JAKARTA - To support the acceleration of the COVID-19 national vaccination process as well as a commitment to continue to synergize with the government to ensure the health of the Indonesian people, Enesis Group collaborates with the DKI Jakarta Health Office to organize a vaccination center. The hope is to help realize "herd immunity" and help the national economic recovery.

The Enesis Vaccination Center is located in Jakarta International Equestrian Park, East Jakarta, which is open from June 21 to July 8 with the priority targets of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, namely public transportation workers and the general public aged 18 years and over who live in DKI Jakarta.

For those who want to register, they can register through the enesis.com/vaccin website or walk-in. The inauguration of the Enesis Vaccination Center was attended by Budi Setiyadi as Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Deputy for Systems and Strategies of BNPB Raditya Jati.

There is also Edduwar I. Riyadi, as a representative of the Directorate of Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases of the Ministry of Health, Assistant for Administration & Welfare to the Mayor of East Jakarta H. Alawi, Director of Road Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Ahmad Yani.

Then the Head of the DKI Jakarta Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and UKM Office Andriyansah, Indra Setiawan as the Head of the East Jakarta Health Service, Bambang Pangestu as the Head of the Pulogadung Sub-district, Artika Ristiana as the Head of the Kayu Putih Village, Dr. Titta Gusni as Head of Pulogadung Sub-district Health Center, HB Purnomo as Director of the Wearing Mask Movement and Chief Sales, & Marketing Officer of Enesis Group.

Enesis Group Chief Sales & Marketing Officer Ryan Tirta Yudhistira said this is a concrete step to help the government to achieve the vaccination target set by President Jokowi to the Governor of DKI, namely, by the end of August the target of 7.5 million people in Jakarta must have been vaccinated.

“We hope that the Enesis Vaccination Center can reach public transportation workers and the general public so as to create

communal immunity and slowing the rate of transmission of COVID-19, especially in DKI Jakarta, which has a high level of mobility and interaction of people. Especially recently, we have seen another spike in Covid-19 cases, especially in the DKI Jakarta area. Until we

We urge the public to be vaccinated immediately, especially since DKI Jakarta has recently again had a high number of active cases. Now those who can get the vaccine are not only those aged 60 and over, but those aged 18 and over must be vaccinated," he explained, Wednesday, June 23. .

In addition to vaccination activities, at the Enesis Vaccine Center there are also health products that are distributed free of charge to the participants in the form of Antis Hand Sanitizer, which is able to kill 99 percent of germs in 4 seconds, contains food grade ingredients and is fragrant and soft on the hands.

Then Plssa Eucalyptus which can be applied to a mask, the content of eucalyptus makes the breath not congested and kills the virus. Plssa Eucalyptus can also be used as a means of relaxing the body and mind, especially those who are often stressed, lack of sleep, aches, headaches, or who need scrapings.

There are also ammunizers, vitamins and herbs that function to prevent COVID-19, both before and after being vaccinated. The ammunizer has the most complete content compared to other products to maximize the body's resistance, besides containing 1000mg of vitamin C it also contains zinc to activate lymphocytes that play a role in immunity, elderberry extract.

This fruit extract with high antioxidants can help increase body resistance, relieve inflammation, reduce stress, to help protect the heart and anti-virus herbs such as Jinyin Hua and Lianqiao herbs which have been widely used in China to fight COVID-19 and increase endurance. body, so that vaccination is equipped with an ammunizer and the application of health protocols is the most optimal solution to protect the public from COVID-19.

The Enesis Vaccination Center is the result of collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Transportation, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, DKI Jakarta Health Service, DKI Jakarta Transportation Service, Pulogadung District Health Center, Jakarta International Equestrian Park and Medithru.