36 KPK Employees In The Field Of Enforcement And Execution Infected By COVID-19, Activities Restricted

JAKARTA - Dozens of KPK employees at the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution have contracted COVID-19. As a result, activities in the deputy were limited to two days from June 23 to June 25.

"To this day, 36 of his employees have tested positive for COVID-19," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, June 23.

Although limited, activities that have been previously scheduled will still be carried out in accordance with strict health protocols. In addition, the KPK also held a rapid antigen test for all employees and related parties.

"As well as spraying disinfectants in every employee's workspace," he explained.

With these various efforts, it is hoped that all corruption eradication activities can return to normal. Including activities carried out by employees at the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK.

Previously, the KPK held a rapid test or antigen-based rapid test for all its employees to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is a mitigation measure and to prevent the spread of the virus within the anti-corruption commission.

The implementation of this test, he continued, will be carried out in the Hall of the KPK Juang Building, which is located at the KPK Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. From Monday, June 21 to Friday, June 25, in rotation.

"This is to ensure that the implementation continues to implement the health protocols obediently and correctly," said Ali.

Furthermore, the KPK also carries out periodic spraying of disinfectants in all workspaces to prevent transmission of the virus. Not only that, all employees and other parties who are active in the anti-corruption commission are also required to comply with health protocols.

"Hopefully all are always in good health and in excellent condition so that they can continue to carry out their duties to eradicate corruption optimally," he said