Surprised That BKN No Longer Has TWK Results Documents, KPK Inactive Investigator: Pak Bima's Statement Is Ridiculous!

JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) inactive investigator Rieswin Rachwell was surprised by the statement by the Head of the National Personnel Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana who said his party no longer had data on the results of the National Insight Test (TWK). BKN also said that the TWK document was confidential.

"So Pak Bima's statement is ridiculous and at the same time does not protect the dignity of BKN," he said in a written statement to reporters, Wednesday, June 23.

Rieswin was surprised by Bima's statement that the test results were in the Army Psychology Service and the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and were confidential or could not be announced to the public arbitrarily.

"We all know that this TWK is organized by BKN. The test is carried out at the BKN office, using BKN facilities, and on the letterhead of the written test is the logo and name of the BKN," he said.

"The exam card is also from BKN, the statutory provisions also give authority to BKN. Those who submit TWK results are only BKN. This means, BKN feels that it has authority and BKN should be authorized and responsible for the TWK results," added the investigator who did not pass TWK it.

Even so, Rieswin admitted that he was not surprised by Bima's attitude because since the beginning the test for the transfer of the status of a KPK employee was strange and indicated to be against the law. A number of these irregularities include the memorandum of understanding that was made backwards, the process of the emergence of the TWK, and also the sudden budgeting.

"In our work experience in handling corruption crimes, the things above, such as backdate letters, sudden budget revisions, are an indication of an unlawful act," said Rieswin.

He also assessed that BKN had never been transparent in the implementation of TWK. Thus, this raises the question of what is hidden and what is the real purpose behind the implementation of TWK.

"The authority for this test lies with BKN. BKN should be ashamed if BKN as the test organizer instead becomes not authorized to the results of this test," said Rieswin.

As previously reported, after undergoing an examination at the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Bima Haria said that the accumulated test results had been submitted to the KPK. With the submission of these results, his party no longer has documents related to the TWK of KPK employees.

He also said that from the beginning his institution did not have the test results of each KPK employee who carried out TWK. Bima said, since the beginning, BKN never received it because all institutions involved in the TWK process gave it accumulated.

In the process of implementing the TWK of KPK employees as a condition for the transfer of employee status, a number of institutions were indeed involved by BKN. These institutions are the TNI AD Psychology Service, the TNI AD Intelligence Center, the Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS TNI), the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

"What is asked for is things that are not in the document, because this document is aggregated, not individual details. If we ask, then we will ask the owner of the instrument for the data because the instrument is not in our hands. If the Moderation Index State-68 is in the Army Psychology Service, the profiling is at the BNPT," said Bima.

"So I say this according to the Psychology Service of the AD and BNPT as a secret. So I am not the one who conveys the secret but the owner of the information. Because I as an assessor have a code of ethics, if I convey a secret, I can be subject to a crime," he added.