Very Nasty! BPK Reveals Rp1.18 Trillion Of Assistance For MSMEs Wrong Target: Civil Servants, TNI, Police And People Died

JAKARTA – The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) provided several notes on the 2020 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) which received an Unqualified Opinion (WTP).

One of the highlights of the high state institution is the issue of problems in the implementation of Assistance for Micro Business Actors (BPUM) carried out by the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises worth Rp1.18 trillion.

Citing the official BPK broadcast on Wednesday, June 23, it was stated that there were 414,590 recipients who did not meet the criteria as BPUM recipients grouped into 10 categories.

First, 42,487 BPUM recipients amounting to Rp101.9 turned out to be ASN, TNI, Polri, BUMN and BUMD employees.

Two, 1,392 BPUM recipients received Rp3.34 more than once. Three, BPUM recipients are not micro businesses as many as 19,358 recipients amounting to Rp46.4 billion.

Four, BPUM recipients are currently receiving credit or other banking loans as many as 11,830 recipients amounting to Rp28.3 billion. Five, BPUM was given to recipients with non-matched NIK as many as 280,815 recipients with a value of Rp673.9 billion.

Sixth, BPUM was given to recipients with anomaly NIK as many as 20,422 recipients amounting to Rp49.01 billion.

Seven, BPUM is given to recipients who have died as many as 38,278 recipients amounting to Rp91.86 billion. Eight, BPUM is given to recipients who have moved abroad as many as eight recipients amounting to Rp. 19.2 million.

Nine, the distribution of BPUM funds to 22 recipients amounting to Rp52.8 million does not match the attachment to the BPUM Recipient Decree (SK) and ten duplication of distribution of BPUM funds to one recipient amounting to Rp2.4 million.

To note, the implementation of Assistance for Micro Business Actors (BPUM) in the 2020 period sucked in funds of no less than IDR 28.8 trillion which was distributed to 12 million MSMEs with a distribution of IDR 2.4 million each.

Meanwhile, BPUM is included in the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery (PC-PEN) agenda with a realization value of Rp270.46 trillion throughout last year.