Confessions Of Student Shooter In Mangga Besar: Using Revolver Guns From Riots In Ambon

JAKARTA - The police said that the perpetrator of the student shooting claimed to have received a revolver type of firearm (senpi) after the Ambon riots. The confession appeared in the examination process.

"Temporary information from the perpetrators was obtained after the riots in Ambon, but we are still investigating it," said the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Taman Sari Metro Police AKP Lalu Musti Ali to VOI, Wednesday, June 23.

In addition, from the examination, the perpetrator also said that the gun was not bought. Instead, it was given by one of his colleagues. So, he brought the gun to Jakarta.

"The account until now was given by one of his friends," said Lalu.

However, for the identity of the gun giver, Lalu said that he could not convey the reason why the investigation of the perpetrators was still ongoing.

"Later, yes, the perpetrators are still being investigated. We will definitely convey developments," he said.

Previously reported, Previously, a student with the initials MIS (18) was shot by an unknown person (OTK). The shooting was suspected because the perpetrator did not accept being disbanded during a liquor party.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered three gunshot wounds. Two on the right hand and one in the armpit.

The police moved quickly to deal with the case. Not long after, the perpetrator was arrested in the Tebet area, South Jakarta. The number of perpetrators reached 10 people, 2 of whom were women.