Bareskrim Finds Two Other Criminal Acts Of Adelin Lis While At Large In Singapore

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police found two alleged criminal acts committed by Adelin Lis when she was a fugitive in a case of illegal logging. Adelin was arrested in Singapore.

However, based on the investigation process carried out, the two crimes are under the authority of Immigration.

"The results of the coordination and investigation with the Directorate General of Immigration and with the Singapore Police Department revealed that there were allegations of two criminal acts committed by AL alias HL," said Director of General Crimes at the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Andi Rian, in his statement, Wednesday, June 23.

The first is the use of travel documents or passports that are allegedly fake. In fact, other possibilities such as providing invalid data or information that is not true.

"Adelin intentionally uses an Indonesian travel document (passport) which is known or reasonably suspected to be fake or falsified, and/or, provides invalid data or incorrect information to obtain an Indonesian travel document for himself," said Andi.

The second is committing acts against the law as regulated in Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

So, by referring to the law, the realm of investigation and investigation is at the Directorate General of Immigration.

Meanwhile, continued Andi, his party will only assist the investigation process. One of them is helping to bring and submit evidence in the form of allegedly fake passports that were previously confiscated by the Singaporean authorities.

"According to existing principles and laws, the Immigration PPNS is handled," he said.

Adelin Lis was successfully discharged on Saturday, June 19. The Attorney General's Office brought him from Singapore on a chartered plane from Garuda Indonesia.

Adelin Lis is a fugitive in corruption and illegal logging cases. He tried to escape to Singapore using a allegedly fake passport.