140 Indonesian Fishermen Arrested, KKP Promotes Cross-Border Education

JAKARTA - The Director for Handling Violations of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) said that within the last three years as many as 140 Indonesian fishermen were arrested in the waters of various countries because they were considered to have committed cross-border violations.

Therefore, his party currently continues to encourage an educative approach in order to provide understanding and knowledge about the territorial waters of the sea.

"There are still around 68 of our fishermen who are undergoing legal processes in Malaysia, India, Thailand and Papua New Guinea," as reported by the official website, Wednesday, June 23.

Meanwhile, Plt. Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision of KKP Antam Novambar said that his staff went directly to socialize the prohibition of crossing borders to fishermen in a number of locations.

"This is our effort to foster Indonesian fishermen so that they are not arrested by other state officials for committing cross-border violations," he said.

According to Antam, the large number of Indonesian fishermen caught in foreign waters occurs because there is still a lack of clear understanding of the boundaries of the sea area with other countries. This condition occurs because traditional fishermen are generally not equipped with adequate navigation and communication tools, as well as the absence of marine maps.

"This needs to be given an understanding, both in terms of rules, as well as technical understanding related to territorial boundaries so that they do not violate," he said.

Similarly, a member of Commission IV of the Muslim DPR expressed support for the government's steps in providing an understanding of this cross-border prohibition.

"The DPR also ensures that it will continue to carry out its supervisory function on efforts to handle cross-border fishermen and hopes that the KKP will be present to provide protection to Indonesian fishermen," explained Muslim.

To note, the KKP is aggressively carrying out activities to provide an understanding of the prohibition of crossing borders to fishermen. Now, these efforts are being implemented in Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh District, Aceh Province.

Meanwhile, in the activity which was held on Tuesday, June 22, KKP also involved the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, local governments, law enforcement officers, and local community leaders to increase the effectiveness of this socialization.