Trump Surati WHO, Threatens To Stop Funding Forever

JAKARTA - The threat of the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump to the World Health Organization (WHO) is increasing. Having previously spoken of stopping donations to WHO which he considers a "puppet of China", now Trump has written, threatening to stop funding WHO forever.

Trump will do this if the WHO does not commit to major substantive improvements in the next 30 days. "Obviously wrong. The steps you and your organization are taking over and over in responding to this pandemic are very costly to the world."

"The only way forward for the WHO is if it can truly demonstrate its independence from China," read a letter on Trump's behalf addressed to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, quoted by CNN, Tuesday, May 19.

"My administration has already started discussions with you on how to reform the organization. But action is needed quickly. We don't have time."

The threat comes amid the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 90,000 people in the US and more than 318,000 worldwide. Meanwhile, there have been few promising signs from some vaccine trials, although there is no sign of a cure for the virus yet.

The letter also underscores the mistakes made by WHO and China that have been an important part of determining Trump's response to the outbreak. While many of his predecessors have relied on global institutions to help stem the tide of the pandemic, Trump's ultimatum demonstrates his distrust of world entities.

"I cannot allow the purse of American tax dollars to finance an organization, which now very clearly does not serve American interests," the President wrote.

Since the beginning, Trump has been known to have been vocal in criticizing WHO for playing a "political game." Trump criticized the WHO's stance on praising China's strict domestic travel restrictions but opposing closing US borders.

"The US funds 400 million US dollars to 500 million US dollars to WHO every year. Had WHO done its job to bring medical experts to China objectively assessed the situation on the ground and cited China's lack of transparency, the outbreak could have stuck at its source with fatal deaths. very little, "Trump said.

Throughout his presidency, Trump has criticized China and global institutions for problems plaguing the US and the COVID-19 pandemic has been a data point in his attacks. The Trump administration is also formulating a long-term plan to sanction China in various fields due to the pandemic.

Various sources said that the US Government also plans to cancel US debt obligations and formulate new trade policies. It aims to tell China and the rest of the world that the Trump administration feels responsible for the pandemic.

photo: Instagram @realdonaldtrump