Communities Value PPDB 2021 Chaotic, Governor Edy Apologizes And Promises Evaluation

MEDAN - People have complained about the implementation of the 2021 online New Student Admissions (PPDB) in North Sumatra. The public considered that one of the factors that caused PPDB 2021 to be chaotic because the site was difficult to access and errors.

To the public's complaint, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, responded. Gubsu Edy said he would evaluate the implementation of the 2021 PPDB.

"PPDB must have an evaluation, so every year and not only North Sumatra. For that I also apologize to all the people, we will evaluate this," said Gubsu Edy, Tuesday, June 22.

Regarding the problem of the PPDB website which is difficult to access and has errors, Edy also said that his party will immediately make improvements.

"The problem of using IT, this is what everyone needs to understand about it. If that is the problem, we will fix it in the future, there must be improvements," he said.

Gubsu Edy said that many problems in implementing PPDB 2021 were due to the newly appointed Head of the North Sumatra Education Office.

"This is also a new head of the head office. There are 3 things he must demand, and only 1 issue for zoning is a problem," he explained.

Gubsu Edy asked the PPDB 2021 committee to be objective in determining student graduation. He also asked all parties to oversee the implementation of the 2021 PPDB.

"The most complicated thing is if our child doesn't pass, that's what gets complicated. Later, when someone doesn't pass, he's bound to be noisy. But the school must be objective, there's no playing around. , fix it," said Edy.