Disperse The Alcoholic Party Crowd, Students Are Shot By Unknown Person In Mangga Besar

JAKARTA - A student with the initials MIS (18) was shot by an unknown person in the Mangga Besar area, Taman Sari, West Jakarta. The shooting was suspected because the perpetrator did not accept being disbanded during a liquor party.

"The victim, along with other members of the public, forbade the perpetrators to gather and drink alcohol at the crime scene", said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Taman Sari Metro Police, AKP Lalu, to VOI Tuesday, June 22.

Do not accept being disbanded, the perpetrators who at that time together with his colleagues immediately fought back. The suspect fired his gun at the victim's hand.

"Because it's near the mosque, the suspects didn't accept it and attacked the victim", said AKP Lalu.


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"The victim suffered gunshot wounds to the left armpit and left hand", he continued.

In addition, the results of the examination of witnesses revealed that the perpetrator attacked with a sharp weapon. Currently, the identity of the perpetrators is known.

"It has been identified, we are still chasing the perpetrators", he said.