6 Ways To Take Care Of Monstera Plants To Grow Perfectly

JAKARTA - Recently, planting has become a new activity that is favored by many people. One of the popular plants is Monstera Deliciosa. Its wide and hollow leaves are a highlight for plant lovers. But actually it takes a special effort so that monstera leaves can grow beautiful and healthy. Check out how to care for the following monstera plants.

Pay attention to the planting medium

Before planting monstera in pots, make sure the planting medium has sufficient nutrients. The planting medium used is actually not much different from other ornamental plants. The composition used is usually a mixture of soil with sand and compost in a ratio of 1:1.

Keep using fertilizer

If you've mixed the soil and compost as above, you'll still need to use fertilizer. But the application of this fertilizer is enough to be done only 5 times a year. No need to use special fertilizers, just choose those that are already sold in the market, but still follow the presentation suggestions according to the packaging.

Place it in a well-lit area

Monstera does not really like direct sunlight but it still needs sufficient lighting to thrive. Instead, place the monstera next to a window or corner of the house with bright enough light.

Keep an eye on the water content during the watering process

Fortunately, you don't need to water the monstera too often, just once a week, but do it regularly. Also make sure the water content that is sprayed does not stagnate under the pot because it can make the roots rot. Afternoon is the best time to water the monstera because this is when the monstera absorbs the water.

Change the pot regularly

If the roots have started to fill the pot, immediately replace it with a new one. Use a new pot that is up to 50cm wide from the previous pot. Before moving, also make sure you use high-quality soil. Repeat point number 1.

Clean the leaves that are starting to grow big

Take time at least once every two weeks to clean the leaves. Generally, the broad leaves of the monstera tend to be filled with dust. If the leaves are clean, of course, your plants will look fresher and more beautiful.