DPR Appoints Kemendikbudristek Partners, Permanent Commission X, Ministry Of Industry Moves To Commission VII
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, has tapped the hammer to determine the partners of several commissions in the DPR. The Ministry of Industry's partners moved to Commission VII.
In the plenary meeting, Puan conveyed that based on Article 24 paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the DPR RI concerning the Order, it was stated "The commission partners as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b can be changed according to developments and needs".
Furthermore, Article 19 paragraph (1) of Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning State Ministries states "Changes as a result of the separation or merger of Ministries are carried out with the consideration of the House of Representatives".
"And in accordance with Article 56 paragraph (1) of the DPR Regulation on Order, it is stated that the number, scope of work and commission partners are determined by a DPR Decree," said Puan.
Puan continued, in a consultation meeting to replace the bamus meeting on June 17, 2021, it was decided that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology led by Nadiem Makarim would remain a working partner of Commission X DPR, and the Ministry of Investment as a working partner for Commission VI DPR.
Puan revealed, taking into account the distribution and task load of the Council's Apparatus, the Ministry of Industry had previously been a partner of Commission VI to become a partner of Commission VII.
"Furthermore, we asked the honorable council meeting, whether the determination of the partners of Commission VI, Commission VII, and Commission X which began after the discussion of the preliminary discussions of the 2022 RAPBN and 2022 RKP can be approved?" asked Puan, to which the plenary participants responded with “agree” answers, Tuesday, June 22
In the plenary session, the DPR also determined the extension of the discussion on the Draft Law on Disaster Management and the discussion of the Bill on the Protection of Personal Data (PDP).
The chairman of Commission VIII requested an extension of the time for discussing the Bill on Disaster Management, and the Chairperson of Commission I of the House of Representatives requested an extension of the time for discussing the Bill on Personal Data Protection.
Before being brought to the plenary session, the extension of the discussion of the two bills had been discussed in a consultation meeting in lieu of the DPR Deliberative Body meeting on June 17.