Supporters Of Rizieq Shihab Plan For East Jakarta District Court Geruduk At UMMI Hospital Decision Session, PA 212: We Have No Authority To Prohibit

JAKARTA - The Alumni Association (PA) 212 said it did not have the authority to detain Rizieq Shihab's supporters who would come during the trial for the decision on the swab test case at the UMMI Hospital at the East Jakarta District Court, on June 24.

Originally, a video circulated showing supporters and sympathizers of Rizieq Shihab stating that he would attend. Their attitude following the statement by the Public Prosecutor regarding the status of the High Priest from Rizieq is just a figment.

"We certainly cannot and do not have the authority to stop the enthusiasm of the lover of the High Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab," said PA 212 Deputy Secretary General Novel Bamukmin to VOI, Tuesday, June 22.

Novel said, it was entirely up to Rizieq's supporters to respond to the prosecutor's statement. So, it does not prohibit if it will be present at the East Jakarta District Court.

"That way, we PA 212 leave it to Muslims, especially IB HRS lovers to respond to the provocations made by the prosecutor," said Novel.

"Everything just flows, but the masses who can attend later are of course the masses from anywhere, including from cross-religious, cross-ethnic, racial, and any group," he continued.

On the other hand, Novel emphasized that he would still oversee the trial process of the case. But still in a way that is constitutional and obeys health protocols.

"We PA 212 will of course continue to oversee the trial of the High Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab case until it is completed and during the trial we will obey the procedures and procedures," he said.

For information, during the trial, the prosecutor mentioned Rizieq's statement that the prosecutor was only being used as an oligarchic tool as a baseless accusation. Thus, the statement is inappropriate.

Moreover, Rizieq Shihab's social status, who is called the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) should be an example of good attitude and speech.

"Without a filter, sentences like this were uttered by the defendant and should not have been said who claimed to have kulkarimah character, but the defendant easily used harsh words as above," said the prosecutor.

"It turns out that what is being touted as the high priest is just a figment," continued the prosecutor.

In response to this, Rizieq said he was worried. This is because the statement will provoke the emotions of his supporters to surround the East Jakarta Court.

"I'm even more worried that the public prosecutor's insults will be interpreted by Indonesian Muslims as a challenge, so that it will encourage them to come and attend and surround the East Jakarta District Court to witness the final trial, namely the verdict trial," said Rizieq. .