Golkar Supports Jokowi Rejecting 3 Periods Of Presidential Position

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Golkar faction of the People's Consultative Assembly, Idris Laena, emphasized Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as the undisputed foundations of the state. This is because, although the body of the 1945 Constitution can be amended, it is not easy because the requirements for submitting amendments are at least 1/3 of the total members of the MPR.

This was conveyed by Idris in response to the discourse on amendments to the 1945 Constitution regarding the proposed presidential term of office being changed to 3 terms.

"The Preamble to the 1945 Constitution has become a consensus that it cannot be changed," said Idris to reporters, Monday, June 21.

The Golkar politician also commented on the survey results of Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) which stated that 74 percent of the public wanted a presidential term limit of only 2 terms.

Idris assessed, this perception must be maintained. This is because it is in line with the spirit of reform that has been fought for.

"Therefore, we should appreciate President Jokowi's firm stance against three terms," said the Riau legislator.

The former chairman of the Jokowi-Amin Regional Campaign Team (TKD) deeply regrets if the issue of the 3 presidential terms continues to emerge and be rolled out. Moreover, Jokowi himself is focusing on overcoming the pandemic.

Meanwhile, regarding the survey results which stated that the majority of citizens did not agree with Jokowi running again in the 2024 presidential election, the members of the four-term DPR considered that they were in accordance with Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution.

"There it is stated that the President and Vice President hold office for five years, and after that they can be re-elected in the same office, only for one term," he explained.

According to him, the majority of highly educated citizens who reject the idea of Jokowi's re-nomination in the 2024 presidential election, show that the public wants the constitution to be implemented consistently.

"Therefore, Jokowi's assertion which states that those who want to come back for the third time want to plunge it into reality," said Idris.

Idris also said that a survey of 84.3 percent of Indonesians wanted the presidential election to be held directly, not by the MPR. He said, this illustrates if people want to express their political choices to people who are considered appropriate.

If the president is elected by the People's Consultative Assembly, said Idris, it would be a form of democratic backsliding.

"The SMRC survey results show that 74 percent of the people think that the president should be responsible to the people. This is in line with the constitution which states that sovereignty is in the hands of the people and implemented according to the Constitution," he explained.

Regarding the survey results which show that the majority of Indonesian people want the president to work according to his promises to the people, not according to the GBHN. Idris assesses that there needs to be further studies whether or not there is a need to discuss the GBHN.

Idris explained that the previous MPR period had recommended the need for the concept of the GBHN model development system, which was later formulated into the State Policy Principles (PPHN).

However, even if it can be realized, added Idris, the legal product does not need to amend the Constitution of the 1945 Constitution, but the law is sufficient.

"Because it is also binding on all Indonesian people. Thus, the elected president can implement his promises by making derivative laws such as Government Regulations or Presidential Regulations," said Idris Laena.