Why Does Bobby Nasution Still Want To Learn Face-to-face In Medan In The Midst Of The Rise Of COVID-19?

MEDAN - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, is optimistic that he will be able to hold face-to-face learning next July despite the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

Bobby reasoned that this face-to-face meeting was done because he saw the child's psychological development. Meanwhile, based on data, the number of positive COVID-19 patients in Medan was 17,384 people.

"Earlier I asked whether he knew the friend in front of him or not, the answer was he knew but did not meet in person. We have met only once or twice," said Bobby Nasution, Monday, June 21 while reviewing the implementation of the simulation at SMP Negeri 1 Medan.

President Jokowi's son-in-law said that solving children's education problems is not just learning material. But how to develop children's ways of communicating, socializing which according to Bobby Nasution is also important.

"The material presented is necessary, but communication and socialization of children is of course very important. Because we are different at home socializing with family, socialization with peers is definitely different, this is what our children lose a bit because they take lessons online," he said. .

Bobby Nasution emphasized that his party would not sacrifice health to carry out face-to-face learning. For him, stopping the spread of COVID-19 with education is just as important.

"It can't be separated, that's why I said we shouldn't choose A, B left. That saturation or the problem of socializing communication is important but not sacrificing the COVID-19 pandemic, no," he explained.

Therefore, said Bobby Nasution, he emphasized that his party did not force parents to ask their children to take part in face-to-face learning at school.

"So I say, this is an option for parents who have been directing their children at home for over a year today, to see. What kind of psychological, socialization, communication with friends do you think. Do you need face-to-face schooling? There is no coercion from the government to parents to send their children to face-to-face school," said Bobby Nasution.

"No one is sacrificed, you have to choose he is good at socializing and gets COVID, it's not like that. That's why we limit it to 2 hours per day, 2 times a week," he continued.

Bobby Nasution said that face-to-face learning is not a trial and error event. Likewise with the implementation of this simulation.

"We don't try things like this, this simulation is not trial and error. But we have followed the study why 2 hours, why 2 times a week, this is what needs simulation, not if we spread out we will close it again, even like that," said Kahiyang's husband Come on this.