The Enchantment Of Bukit Simbar Semeru, A New Tourist Destination In Lumajang

LUMAJANG - Bukit Simbar Semeru has become one of the new tourist destinations in Lumajang Regency, East Java that amazes tourists. Bukit Simbar offers an exotic natural atmosphere with views of Mount Semeru.

Although the natural tourist attraction has not been opened to the public, a number of curious people have started to find out the location of the tourist attraction which is directly opposite the highest mountain on the island of Java.

"It's still in the pilot stage, so it's only open on Saturdays and Sundays and has not been opened to the general public because the management and infrastructure are still in preparation, but thank God it's already crowded," said one of the managers of Simbar Semeru Suharyono in Lumajang quoted by Antara, Sunday, 20 June.

Simbar Semeru is located in Oro-oro Ombo Village, Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency which is located at an altitude of 1,040 meters above sea level, so that visitors can enjoy the atmosphere above the clouds like the tourist attraction Peak B-29 which was first famous for its beauty.

To reach the location of Simbar Semeru, the road that must be passed is quite steep and quite exhausting, but for visitors who don't want to bother going to the tourist attraction, the manager has provided a motorcycle taxi service that is ready to take visitors from the vehicle parking lot to the location of Simbar Semeru.

For visitors who want to get extraordinary and exotic views, it is recommended to go up to Simbar Semeru hill in the morning before sunrise and in the afternoon before sunset.

"We also provide equipment for visitors who spend the night there such as tents, toilets, prayer rooms and village culinary menus, as well as local coffee from surrounding plantations," he said.

Tourists who intend to spend the weekend in Simbar Semeru can access the location on Google Maps, which is approximately 42 kilometers from Lumajang City.

Lumajang Regency has a number of new tourist attractions to stimulate the economy in the local area, such as the Sejuk River in Purwosono Village, Sumbersuko District which is an example of an environmental care attitude by turning slum rivers into tourist attractions with an economic turnover of hundreds of millions.

Previously Plt. Head of the Tourism and Culture Office of Lumajang Regency Yoga Pratomo said the Lumajang Regency Government will reopen tourist attractions on May 24, 2021 in line with the end of the circular letter (SE) of the Lumajang Regent Number: 556/1052/427.1/2021 concerning the Closing of Tourist Attractions.

"Tourism objects are opened, but still strictly observe health protocols in accordance with the circular letter of the Lumajang Regional Secretary regarding health protocols," he said.

Tourism managers are still required to put up banners advising health protocols, provide hand sanitizer, provide washing areas with running water.

Managers must appeal to the use of masks, keep distance and wash hands through loudspeakers, limit visitors to 50 percent of the capacity of tourist sites, pay attention to the cleanliness of tourist sites and coordinate with local health centers to provide health workers.