Crazy COVID-19 Case, Faisal Basri: Mr President Don't Talk About Brake And Gas

JAKARTA - Cases of COVID-19 in the country have continued to increase dramatically this week. Senior economist Faisal Basri asked the government not to use gas anymore in controlling active cases of COVID-19 which is also related to the economy.

Currently, said Faisal, what needs to be done is to step on the brake pedal or lock down. According to Faisal, before the cases spread throughout Indonesia, the government should have taken steps to lock down DKI Jakarta, which at that time became the epicenter of the spread of COVID-19.

Faisal said that if the pandemic problem was solved using a health science approach, the recovery costs borne by the state would be cheaper than it is now. Meanwhile, according to Faisal, the government's logic is still reversed.

However, said Faisal, Indonesia is not too late to handle this crisis. Like other countries, Indonesia can implement a two-week lockdown policy so that the number of positive cases of COVID-19 that has soared after Eid 2021 can be suppressed.

"I think it's not too late to go back to the rails, Mr. President, please don't talk about brakes, gas, brakes, gas. The most powerful brake right now is lockdown, but it won't be done. So actually it's not gas brakes, gas brakes but actually gas economic gas," he said in a virtual discussion, Sunday, June 20.

Regarding the budget needs during health management policies, said Fasial, the economic ministers in charge of thinking about it. This is because the minister for the economy is tasked with seeking funds.

"The business of economic ministers is to find money, if you need to look for debt, it's okay to settle all of this. Because this debt will be paid quickly if the recovery occurs quickly. So believe me that the cost will be more expensive if the health crisis is not resolved properly." finished," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) released the latest additional positive COVID-19 cases as of Sunday, June 20. The cumulative total of cases stands at 1,989,909 since the first cases were announced on March 2. Meanwhile, new cases per day reached 13,737 people.

Meanwhile, the number of recovered cases today increased by 6,385 people, bringing the total to 1,972,528 people recovered. Meanwhile, positive confirmed cases who died increased by 371 people and a total of 54,662 people.

Meanwhile, the province with the most new cases is DKI Jakarta with 5,582 new cases and a total of 474,029 cases. DKI is the province with the most COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. Followed by the province of Central Java with 2,195 and the total cumulative cases reached 227,148.

Then, West Java 2009 new cases, with a total of 344,568 cases. East Java with 739 new cases and a total of 163,548 cases. Followed by DI Yogyakarta with the addition of 665 cases and the total cases reached 52,641.