PDIP: Jokowi Considers The Idea Of 3 Periods To Be Slapped In The Face, Misleading

JAKARTA - PDI-P DPP chairman Ahmad Basarah emphasized that his party rejected the idea of a three-term presidential term.

"The idea of increasing the presidential term to 3 terms is clearly far from the political views and attitudes of the PDIP," said Ahmad Basarah at the launch of the results of the SMRC national survey entitled "National Public Attitudes towards Presidential Amendments and the DPD," quoted Antara, Sunday, June 20.

In fact, President Jokowi never thought he could be president for three terms.

"This three-term issue if we look at the subject (Jokowi) back and forth, he has said that he never thought he could be president for three terms," he said.

President Jokowi, said Basarah, considers the people who came up with the three-term idea to seek advances.

"In satire, President Jokowi considers the people who came up with the idea of the 3rd term as looking for face, slapping me in the face and wanting to plunge me. So, if the subject doesn't want to, I think it's very bad for our constitution to be played with only the interests of people per person," he said.

In addition, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR said that PDIP also rejected the narrative that the president was elected by the MPR.

Basarah said that if there was an amendment, the PDIP wanted a limited amendment, namely so that the MPR could establish the Outlines of State Policy (GBHN).

"At all we never discussed the president being elected by the MPR, PDIP's stance is a limited amendment, meaning that it does not want to spread anywhere, only adding one paragraph in Article 3 of the 1945 Constitution, namely the MPR is given the authority to determine the direction and direction of national development," he explained.

Basarah explained that there was an amendment so that the MPR stipulates the GBHN so that national development will continue. So added Basarah, the ethics of leaders changing national development programs does not stop.

PDIP will withdraw from the agenda of amendments to the 1945 Constitution if it leads to a change in the president's term of office.

"If there is an agenda, PDIP will explicitly withdraw from the agenda. Moreover, for example the idea of adding three terms to the presidential term. This is clearly far from the views and political attitudes of both the MPR and PDIP," said Basarah.

Meanwhile, researcher and SMRC Communications Director Ade Armando said, based on the results of the Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) national survey, most of the PDIP voters supported Jokowi running for the 2024 presidential election, reaching 66 percent.

"Even so, the mass of voters from non-parliamentary parties supports Jokowi for three terms (60 percent)," said Ade

While the masses who reject Jokowi running for three terms come from voters from the Gerindra Party (78 percent), PKS (78 percent), and Democrats (71 percent), residents who don't have a party choice (60 percent), Golkar voters (54 percent), and PKB (51 percent).

The SMRC national survey was conducted on May 21-28, 2021. The research through face-to-face interviews involved 1072 respondents who were selected through a multistage random sampling method with a research margin of error of around 3.05 percent.