Dressed In Prisoner And Cap, This Is The Look Of A Man Who Abused His Wife With A Machete For Refusing To Make Love

KAPUAS - Police arrested a man with the initials SA (42) a resident of East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan who abused his wife. The perpetrator did the persecution because his wife was upset that he refused to make love.

Kapuas Police Chief AKBP Manang Soebeti explained that the abuse took place when the perpetrator was in a boarding house in Bataguh, Kapuas. The perpetrator and his wife along with two other people drank wine.

"Then when his friend returned home, the perpetrator, who was drunk with alcohol, asked the victim to have sex, but the victim refused", said AKBP Manang, quoted from a written statement, Sunday, June 20.

The perpetrator jokingly threw the sentence to the victim 'do you want blood'. The victim was immediately angry and slapped her husband's face

"Feeling disapproving, then the perpetrator slapped his wife in the face four times with clenched hands making the victim fall. Then the perpetrator saw a sharp machete near the victim, which the perpetrator immediately took and slashed his wife five times", said the police chief.

Wife molested in Kapuas for refusing to have sex/PHOTO VIA PR POLDA KALTENG

Due to this mistreatment, the victim suffered lacerations to the back of the head, lacerations to the right shoulder, lacerations to the back of the right hand. The victim was then referred to Kapuas Hospital.

"To account for his actions, currently the perpetrator and evidence in the form of a sharp machete type weapon with a 28.5 cm long machete and a 2.3 cm machete blade bee have been secured at the Kapuas Police Headquarters for further investigation", said the Police Chief.

Perpetrators are subject to Article 44 paragraph (1) of RI Law 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence.