Get Ready KJP Students Will Be Revoked If Their Families Can Buy A Private Car

JAKARTA - The DKI Education Agency will revoke the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) from students whose parents are found to have private cars. Because, if they are able to own a private car, the student is not allowed to get a KJP.

Initially, the Education Office was not aware of any indication of car ownership from KJP users. Until finally, the Regional Tax and Retribution Agency (BPRD) identified that there were car tax arrears who apparently owned KJP and KJP Plus.

Disdik has also requested the 2019 vehicle ownership database to be matched with data on KJP recipient students. This is because during the KJP registration period, the prospective KJP owner must have a letter of incapacity from the One Stop Integrated Service Service (PTSP). In addition, the officer will also survey the residence and financial condition of the parents of KJP recipient students.

Acting Office of Education Syaefuloh Hidayat instructed his staff to remove KJP recipients who were identified as having cars. Chances are, they owned a car after they got the KJP.

"KJPs that are removed are those that are indicated as capable. If the temporary car is still categorized in the capable group. (If it is indicated that you have a car) then it is clarified and explained that you are actually unfit, then removed," explained Syaefuloh to reporters, Thursday, December 5.

However, not everyone who is indicated to have a car has their KJP revoked immediately. The reason is, currently there is a tax evasion mode by utilizing the ID cards of other people who also happen to have KJPs.

"There are also those who claim it is not his car. He was identified as having a Ferrari, it turns out that this person had lost his KTP, his ID was stolen," he said.

If the clarification is that the car owner has a KJP but it turns out that they do not actually own the vehicle, they are given the opportunity to block taxes and the KJP will not be revoked.

"We are still trying to ensure that KJP is given on target to the poor. It does not mean that when it is identified, it is immediately cut, no. This is only as a starting material for us to conduct field research conducted by each school," said Syaefuloh.