Receive Large Budget From APBD, DKI BUMD Monitored By DPRD
JAKARTA - A number of Jakarta DPRD factions have warned about the management of injecting fresh funds from regional capital participation (PMD) to DKI Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD).
In the 2020 APBD draft, the PMD allocated to strengthen the capital of 7 BUMDs reaches Rp. 7.81 trillion or 8.88 percent of the total budget.
In details, PT Jakarta Propertindo (JakPro) was injected with IDR 2.7 trillion, PT MRT Jakarta IDR 2.64 trillion, PD Pembangunan Sarana Jaya IDR 1.36 trillion, PDAM Jaya IDR 516 billion, PD Pasar Jaya IDR 337 billion, PT Food Station Tjipinang IDR 150 billion, PT Jakarta Tourisindo IDR 92 billion.
In conveying his views on the Raperda APBD 2020, a member of the PKB-PPP faction, Yusuf, requested that there be a financial audit and the performance of DKI BUMDs. However, the auditor must be independent and credible.
"For this reason, we ask that the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta be firmer and more professional in making improvements and sanitizing BUMDs whose performance is not satisfactory," Yusuf said at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.
In the PDIP faction's view, the BUMD that was highlighted was PT JakPro. The large number of development projects held by Jakpro made PDIP suspect that something was wrong.
"We see efforts to smuggle policies through the Jakpro BUPT which is tasked with carrying out various activities, ranging from the construction of a DP 0 Rupiah house, the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium, LRT, Formula E, to managing the revitalization of Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM)," said a member of the PDIP faction. Jhonny Simanjuntak.
According to Jhonny, these programs should be able to be delegated to related SKPDs. For example, in the House DP 0 program it should be done by the Housing Agency. Then, the revitalization of the TIM was carried out by the Tourism Office.
Furthermore, the appointment of BUMDs to implement these programs can cause the function of SKPD to become dull.
"We question the function of PMD considering the increasingly blunt role of BUMD, because the amount of PMD disbursed annually to BUMD does not have a significant impact on BUMD performance, including the amount of dividends," said Jhonny.
Therefore, PDIP has asked Jakpro to plan and implement its designation more openly, accelerate infrastructure development, and support PAD.
Meanwhile, the Democrat Party faction asked PD PAM Jaya to put clean water services in order, which currently only reaches 63.5 percent of the residents of DKI. PAM Jaya received IDR 516 billion in the 2020 APBD.
The budget will be used for the construction of Phase II of the Pesanggarahan SPAM, Ciliwung Pejaten SPAM, Improvement of Clean Water to Pegadungan Cikokol, Relocation of Pipes affected by MRT Phase II, and improvement of clean water services for low-income people.
In fact, the initial budget proposal was IDR 3.39 trillion. However, the budget must be trimmed in order to balance the deficit.
This budget cut is due to a number of reasons. The DPRD considers that the pipeline cooperation between PAM and the private sector PT Aetra and PT Palyja has not run optimally. Therefore, do not let the DKI Pemprov issue a budget, but in fact this is an obligation of the private sector.
"In principle, the Democratic Party faction supports PAM Jaya's efforts so that more residents will be served clean water from the PDAM," said Democrat Faction member Desie Christhyana Sari.
"However, the chaos in the clean water privatization contract in DKI Jakarta must be resolved immediately. Of course we cannot wait until the contract period ends in 2023," he added.