Awareness Of Citizens' Progress Is Still Low, Operations For Justice Enforcement Protocols Need To Be Tightened

JAKARTA - In order to suppress the rate of increase in COVID-19, the government has again stepped up judicial operations to oversee the enforcement of health protocols and restrictions on community mobility. The number of testing and tracing also continues to be increased as well as optimizing the role of village/kelurahan command posts (posko) to tighten the Enforcement of Micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

Mohammad Idris, Mayor of Depok said that in his area a number of regulations had been made to deal with COVID-19. There are 13 Mayor Regulations, 43 Decrees, 8 Circulars, and 4 Mayor Instructions.

"We also formed an RW-based Alert Village which we gave a stimulus of 3 million rupiah so that they move to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 upstream," he explained in an online Productive Dialogue.

The Depok City Government has also stimulated the District and Lurah levels to deal with COVID-19. In addition, cooperation with the TNI is also effective in suppressing the mobility of residents at the kelurahan level. The community approach is carried out in persuasive ways by placing the community as the subject.

"We ask that spiritual guides during the COVID-19 period move the community by inserting health protocol messages in religious lectures," added M. Idris.

Even so, admitted by M. Idris, the awareness of Depok residents is still low and needs to be constantly reminded so as not to neglect to carry out health protocols. "Moreover, RTs that enter the green zone because there are no cases feel safe," he said.

Sonny B. Harmadi, Head of the Behavior Change Division of the COVID-19 Task Force, said, "We know that the current spike in cases is due to a long holiday followed by a massive population travel rate. When mobility increases, compliance with health protocols decreases. here

the main trigger for the increase in cases. We have actually succeeded in reducing cases in February 2021, from more than 176,500 to 87,662 active cases because health protocol compliance has increased and population mobility has decreased.”

Clarification of hoaxes related to the handling of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination, according to dr. Tirta, also needs to be accelerated again. “Most of those who clarify are usually friends of health workers as well. We are currently proposing that these hoaxes can be clarified immediately,” he said.

dr. Tirta also appealed to the public not to be careless. Even though they have been vaccinated, they still maintain health protocols. "So we appeal to the public to avoid travel, especially next month there will also be an Eid al-Adha moment. So we focus on preventing this increase from happening again next month," he concluded.