The Suramadu Insulation Command Post Is Guarded By Armed Police And TNI After The Destruction Action

SURABAYA - The post for blocking the Suramadu Bridge on the Surabaya side is getting tighter following the destruction of several facilities.

"There is a tightening and personnel assistance from the police, including tightening on the Bangkalan side", said Deputy Secretary of the Surabaya COVID-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Irvan Widyanto, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 18.

Previously, several videos of the destruction of the Suramadu Bridge blocking post on the Surabaya side went viral on several social media.

In the video, tables and chairs are scattered and several documents are scattered. Several officers and health workers who were unable to contain the residents finally saved themselves.

Several TNI-Police officers tried to calm the residents at the location and soon the situation was under control.

Irvan, who is also the Head of the Disaster Management and Community Protection Agency (BPB Linmas) of Surabaya City, explained that the vandalism occurred at around 04.45 WIB, while the accumulation of residents started at 03.00 WIB.

"On average they are in a hurry to go to work and leave before dawn. Then here there is a buildup, so they have to wait. Well, at that time some were impatient and wanted to arrive quickly, others were affected," he said.

Apart from tightening, said Irvan, of course, there will be a thorough evaluation of the Task Force.

Meanwhile, according to observations at the Suramadu isolation post on the Surabaya side, activities resumed as before, where drivers were asked to get off and follow the quick antigen test procedure.

Meanwhile, drivers who can show a negative COVID-19 test letter are welcome to continue their journey.

Officers consisting of the Civil Service Police Unit, Linmas, TNI, and Police are guarding in layers at the Suramadu exit access road on the Surabaya side, as well as the entrance to Madura.

Two personnel from the Brimob Police, complete with long-barreled weapons, accompanied by TNI officers were on guard under the insulation post tent.