Former KPK Leader M Jasin Talks About Taliban Issues: They Are Employees Who Can't Be Influenced

JAKARTA - Former Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Mochammad Jasin spoke about the term Taliban employee which is often highlighted during polemics at the KPK.

He said, the term Taliban is actually not related to any particular religion or belief. According to him, this nickname actually appears to offend employees who cannot be influenced by any party because they obey the rules and code of ethics.

"The real thing is that the Taliban can't influence people, they can't be remotely from outside, it's easy, because they obey the laws and the code of ethics," Jasin told reporters at the Komnas HAM office, Jalan Latuharhary, Central Jakarta, Friday. , June 18.

Jasin gave an example, the KPK employee who is often called the Taliban is never tempted by other parties' offers when carrying out his duties. Including offers to eat or being picked up during visits to regions to conduct anti-corruption socialization.

"The honest one (later, red) was called the Taliban by his friends. He pretended to be clean, pretended to be holy," he said.

Jasin said the term "Taliban" began to emerge when there were efforts to weaken the KPK, starting from attacking its laws to its employees. "Not long ago there was no such term," he said.

In addition, he ensures that the KPK works based on the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) not based on other matters or religion or provisions outside the law. Jasin also emphasized that so far there have been no issues of intolerance or extremism within the anti-corruption commission internally.

Therefore, according to Jasin, the issue of the Taliban actually arose from outside the KPK, not internally. "The point is that the religious community at the KPK is very good. There is nothing extreme about a particular religion," he said.

"No tolerance, there's no such thing. Indeed, the code of ethics is based on religiosity, integrity, responsibility, leadership justice, that's what it is," he concluded.