Prosecutor's Office Detains 5 Suspects Of West Kalimantan Bank Corruption That Makes The State Loss Billions Of Rupiah

PONTIANAK - The West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Kalbar) has detained five suspects in the alleged corruption case at Bank Kalbar Bengkayang Branch.

"The five suspects, starting tonight, are being detained for further proceedings, each with the initials AM, then AS, AR, SS, and TW," said Head of the West Kalimantan Attorney General's Office, Masyhudi, in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 17.

He explained that AM is the Director of CV Parokng Pasuni who received credit funds for the procurement of goods or services (KPBJ) of Rp. 226 million for two work packages. Then the suspect AS as Director of CV Tuah Page received KPBJ funds of Rp. 113 million for a work package.

Meanwhile, suspect AR as the executor of CV Muara Usaha received KPBJ funds of Rp. 339 million for three work packages; suspect DD as Director of CV Sbintir received KPBJ funds amounting to Rp226 million for two work packages. Meanwhile, the suspect TW as the Director of CV Pelangi Kasih received KPBJ funds of Rp. 227 million for two work packages.

"The mode of alleged corruption is that each of the suspects signs an SPK whose contents are engineered or fictitious, where in each SPK it is as if a process of procurement of goods or services (direct appointment) took place even though the process was never implemented," he said.

However, the payment or refund of credit could not be carried out, because the projects (SPK and DIPA) were fictitious, so that as a result of the actions of the suspects, it resulted in state and regional financial losses or Bank Kalbar amounting to Rp. 8.2 billion.

Kajati Kalbar said that in this case, the state's financial loss of Rp. 3.3 billion had been recovered which had been deposited in a safekeeping account with Bank Mandiri.

"That the state's financial recovery comes from 30 SPK or from 18 companies," said Masyhudi.

The case began with 31 companies or 74 work packages obtaining goods or services procurement credit (KPBJ) from a bank in Bengkayang, with guarantees or collateral in the form of a Work Order (SPK) signed by HM as if he were a Commitment Making Officer ( PPK) which has now been decided in the district court (PN)

Then the suspects Sup (1 SPK) and Gun (73 SPK) as Budget Users of the Kemendes PDTT, and the company concerned.

The SPK includes the source of the project budget, namely the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) of the Ministry of Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (KPDTT) for the 2018 fiscal year.

"Then the suspects as directors of the applicant company and KPBJ recipients at one of the banks in Bengkayang together with suspect MY and suspect SR prepared contract documents, SPK and handled credit applications with SPK guarantees for the five companies which were not in accordance with the actual facts. ," he said.

There are also cases that have been decided by the PN in that case, namely Herry Murdiyanto who seems to be the PPK (the PN has been decided), then Muhammad Rajali as the Head of Bank Kalbar Bengkayang Branch, and Selastio Ageng as Head of Credit at Bank Kalbar Bengkayang Branch, and seven other defendants in the prosecution stage, namely MY, SR, PP, Su, JDP, Ku, and DWK.