Gono-gini Treasure Quarrel, Man In Bima NTB Stabs People After Returning Home Cockfight

BIMA - Police have arrested a man with the initials BH alias Bigon (34) behind the stabbing that killed Ali (36) in Sape, Bima, NTB.

The stabbing occurred on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 16. That night, BH alias Bigon was arrested.

"We have arrested the perpetrator, after the Joint Team immediately started working to hunt down his whereabouts. When he was arrested, the perpetrators did not fight back at all," said Head of Public Relations of the Bima City Police, Iptu Jurfi Rama, quoted from the Police Public Relations statement, Thursday, June 17.

The stabbing that resulted in the victim's death began when the victim returned home from a cockfight. There BH slashed the victim.

As a result of the stabbing, the victim suffered lacerations to his left back and died at the Bima Hospital.

The motive for the stabbing was because of the dispute over Gono's property. Where the victim's ex-wife, wants the property to be given to her child.

However, the victim refused on the grounds to pay the bank installments. Until finally BH abused the victim. The perpetrator is currently being held at the Bima City Police Headquarters.