Ministry Of Finance: Duplication Of Social Assistance Recipients Is Better Than Nothing

JAKARTA - The Director General of Budget for the Ministry of Finance, Askolani, admits that there are still weaknesses in the distribution of social assistance in the midst of the corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic. He said, there are social assistance programs that are not on target and there is even duplication in providing assistance.

However, he considered, it would be better for the duplication of gifts that occurred than for the community not to get social assistance at all in the midst of this pandemic.

"The government is of the opinion that there is better duplication than people who should not receive social assistance," Askolani said in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's YouTube account, Friday, May 15.

The government realizes there are gaps in the distribution of social assistance at an early stage. So, said Askolani, the central and local governments made a number of improvements, including improving data on aid recipients

"Weaknesses in data that occurred in the early stages continue to be improved. Coordination of the central and regional governments is the key to improving data," he said.

Not only Askolani, a number of responsible ministries also admit that there are irregularities in the distribution of social assistance, one of which is the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Social Minister Juliari Batubara said, under abnormal conditions like today, the government must move quickly to meet people's needs. However, he admitted, the data collection of potential beneficiaries was not yet fully targeted.

"I even said, I prefer (social assistance to go down) quickly now rather than right. Why? If it is not correct it can be resolved and I can prove it myself. Instead of being busy verifying, re-validating data to ensure that the target of COVID-19 has been completed, the new social assistance down, "he said in a working meeting with Commission VIII together with the Minister of Pembangungan Rural Areas and Transmigration virtually, Wednesday, May 6.

According to Juliari, at a time like this, the Ministry of Social Affairs had to choose one. So, the decision to be taken is to distribute social assistance quickly, so that the community can be immediately helped.

"Neither can be both very fast and very precise. I think it is impossible. We are not a country that has sophisticated data infrastructure," he said.

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani admitted that there were overlapping targets in the distribution of social assistance funds in a number of programs run by the government to support the poor affected by the pandemic.

However, according to Sri, it was much better than if they did not get any support in difficult times like today.

"Many are asking whether there will be an overlap? The possibility exists. But it is probably better, than not," he said, during a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Friday, May 8.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani said that currently the government has distributed social assistance to the Jabodetabek and non-Jabodetabek communities amounting to 55 percent of the total Indonesian population.

"We have covered more than close to 55 to 59 percent of the Indonesian population getting Social Assistance. Either in the form of groceries or BLT or on the basic food cards," he said.