Cannot Be Picked, The Edelweiss Flower Is A Symbol Of Eternity That Needs To Be Preserved

JAKARTA – The flower symbol of eternity that grows on the mountain with the character of a volcanic mountain is known as edelweiss. Not a few who know him with senduro flowers and have the scientific name Anaphalis javanica.

Many mountaineers and conservation laws prohibit the act of picking this wildflower. Yes, this plant becomes an idol because its philosophy describes the character of his life.

Edelweiss flowers should not be picked carelessly, but tourists can enjoy them and save immortality in photos. In fact, edelweiss flowers are estimated to be more than 100 years old.

Launching Kompas, Thursday, June 17, it was recorded in the notes of Amir Hamzah and M. Toha in The Moutain Flora of Java that there are edelweiss flowers on Mount Sumbing, Central Java, with a height of 8 meters and a diameter of 15 centimeters.

A German botanist, Von Faber, also researched the development and roots of edelweiss. This flower develops horizontally and likes a layer of soil near the surface. The roots are in the form of mycorrhizae or fungi so that they require oxygen for assimilation.

This plant is very popular, and is found in a number of volcanic mountains in Indonesia that are still active or not. Such as at the top of Suryakencana Square, Mount Gede Pangrango, Mount Sumbing towards the peak, Savanna 2 on Mount Merbabu, and Mount Lawu.

Edelweiss flowers are referred to as perennial flowers, apart from having a long life, they also have a flowering period of up to 10 years. This is motivated by the hormone ethylene in flowers which can prevent the loss of petals.

It blooms at the end of the rainy season and for months with moderately intense sunlight. Well, why can edelweiss flowers make people obsessed with displaying them at home or picking them?

Although prohibited, mountain climbers can get edelweiss flowers sold by residents around the mountain. In Bromo, for example, local residents cultivate edelweiss flowers to maintain sustainability as well as meet the needs for traditional ceremonies.

Those of you who are interested but are not allowed to pick wild edelweiss flowers, then you can buy them from local residents around the Tengger area. Make sure that the flower is the result of cultivation. Well, to enjoy the wildflowers, you can bring a camera and take lots of pictures.

A mountaineer's slogan is worth putting into practice, the slogan 'On the mountain, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time, and take nothing but pictures'.