500 Thousand Medan Residents Have Not Been Registered With BPJS Health, This Is What Bobby Nasution Did

MEDAN - Around 500 thousand residents of Medan City, North Sumatra, have not yet been covered by health insurance, both central and regional programs, including not being registered with the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS).

"Currently there are 500 thousand Medan residents who have not registered with BPJS Health. For that, we continue to encourage related OPDs with BPJS Health so that their health is guaranteed," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 16.

Pemko Medan, continued Bobby Nasution, now must be able to sort out residents who should be the responsibility of the employer and those who cannot afford due to irregular incomes must receive health insurance by the local government.

In order to streamline data collection between the two groups of residents, said the Mayor, his party will form a team involving the Health Office, Manpower Office, Social Service, Disdukcapil and BPJS Health.

"In addition, we are also integrating the licensing system for business entities. This means that permits are not issued to business entities that do not register their workers with BPJS Kesehatan," said Mayor Bobby.

Head of BPJS Kesehatan Medan Branch, Dr. Sari Quratul Aini, said that the National Health Insurance - Indonesian Card (JKN-KIS) program in the local area had been implemented well.

"Of the 2.5 million residents of Medan, about two million or 80 percent of the population are registered with JKN. This means that there are still 500 thousand people who have not been registered," he said.