Sutiyoso Joins The NasDem Party

JAKARTA - The former governor of DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso, officially joined the NasDem Party. The joining of the former Pangdam Jaya began with his meeting with the Head of the NasDem, Surya Paloh some time ago.

Sutiyoso revealed his reason for joining NasDem. One of them is because the former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) wants to continue serving in developing the country as well as raising the NasDem Party.

“If we want to build this country, one of the things we have to do is go through political parties. Why did I join the NasDem Party? To be honest, I have a very close relationship with Pak Surya Paloh since I was the Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command," said Bang Yos, Sutiyoso's nickname, in a written statement, Wednesday, June 16.

In the structure of the NasDem Party DPP, Bang Yos is believed to be a member of the NasDem Party Advisory Council.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Advisory Council of the NasDem Party, Siswono Yudo Husodo, hopes that the joining of Bang Yos with NasDem can provide benefits not only for the party but also for the development of the Indonesian nation and state.

"Bang Yos' character is certainly not in doubt. As a leader who has served as Governor of DKI Jakarta for two terms, and is also a senior figure in the TNI," said Siswono.

On the other hand, Siswono is optimistic about the success that the NasDem Party will achieve in the upcoming political contestation arena.

“Now we will face the 2024 General Election. In the meeting with the General Chair, Mr. Surya Paloh, we also discussed the opportunity to get more votes. We are optimistic with such great enthusiasm from the center to the regions by looking at the results of the regional elections, in which NasDem won an exciting victory in many regions. With the trend of increasing votes obtained, God willing, in the 2024 election, NasDem votes will rise again," said Siswono.