There Are Persons In BNPB Jackets Sidak Restaurants, Bekasi City Government Asks For Clarification Of The COVID-19 Task Force

BEKASI - The Bekasi City Government, West Java, visited the COVID-19 Task Force Headquarters at the Plaza Is Jakarta building. The Bekasi City Government asked for clarification on the operation of the health protocol by one person on behalf of the central COVID-19 Task Force at a restaurant in Bekasi City.

"We ask for clarification from the Central COVID-19 Task Force regarding the alleged abuse of authority of individuals claiming to be the central task force," said Bekasi City Government Public Relations Head, Sayekti Rubiah, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 16.

Sayekti said the purpose of this visit was to inquire about the follow-up of the Central COVID-19 Task Force on the Bekasi City Government's letter number 443.1/679/set.COVID-19 dated June 7, 2021, signed by the Secretary of the Bekasi City COVID-19 Management Committee regarding clarification of requests for information.

Sayekti explained that the request for clarification was related to the implementation of the health protocol enforcement operation on June 5, 2021 at 23:00 WIB then at one of the restaurants located in Pekayon Jaya Village, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City.

The operation at that time was carried out by an individual with the initials A who claimed to be an officer from the COVID-19 Task Force for the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).

"When carrying out the operation, the person alone used the attributes of the BNPB COVID-19 Task Force without showing a letter of assignment but was covered by contributors of national TV media journalists and raised on social media," he said.

Sayekti admitted that a police report could be an option to be made for illegal acts committed by these individuals in his area. But his party is still waiting for an answer to the letter sent by the Bekasi City Government to the COVID-19 Task Force.

In response to this, the Head of Public Communications for the BNPB COVID-19 Task Force, Hery, explained that the person in question had actually been a volunteer for the COVID-19 Task Force but was not continued.

"The BNPB COVID-19 Task Force does not have the authority to regulate or order the regional COVID-19 Task Force, it can only coordinate and recommend to the task force in the area concerned," he said.

Hery regretted the actions taken by these individuals. "I know the person, but don't tarnish the name of the BNPB COVID-19 handling task force," he said.

He even had time to show one of the photo evidences containing an apology from the person concerned to the Bekasi City Kodim Commander for what he had done.

"I conclude that what this person has done is wrong. In the near future we will provide an answer to the letter that has been sent to us. We will have a meeting with the COVID-19 Task Force team because the letter was only posted on June 13 yesterday," he said. .