Hot Tin Drug Dealer Apparatus
JAKARTA - Drug snare is extraordinary. Anyone can enter the black hole. Not only being complacent with momentary pleasures, the lure of abundant wealth is also a special attraction. Even so, severe consequences await. The threat of imprisonment for decades until firm action was given by the officers. With a note, if the perpetrators do not want to cooperate. Not long ago, a man with the initials M had to accept the consequences for being involved in a drug network. The hot lead from the police was forced to nest in his body. Because instead of being cooperative with officers, resistance was given. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said suspect M's resistance was carried out when the police asked him to show the location where the crystal methamphetamine was stored. Although initially obeying the officers' orders, the man who is a courier and dealer tried his luck by seizing police firearms. The tug of war to fight over firearms was inevitable. Until finally, a fight broke out between M and several officers. The police also provided measured decisive action through warning shots.
"The perpetrator M had seized the officer 's weapon when a fight broke out and with the existing SOP procedure, M was paralyzed and shot to death," said Yusri in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4. Although M' s life could not be helped due to blood loss, the police had previously been killed. obtained information from a man who was arrested in front of the Balai Sudirman Building, South Jakarta, Sunday, December 1. From the examination, it was said that M was the Palembang-Jakarta drug network. During several months as a courier and dealer, he had circulated about 20 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine. In fact, for each transaction, suspect M only served orders in large enough quantities. To do business with him, the minimum purchase is said to reach 200 grams. "Initial admission he has received and distributed crystal methamphetamine 4 times," said Yusri. On the same occasion, Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Directorate of Narcotics Research, Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Ahmad Fanani added that types of narcotics The crystal methamphetamine was obtained from a fugitive with the initials A. In fact, the person whose whereabouts are now being sought is also responsible for living costs of M. In addition, Rp. 20 million is also given for every 1 kilogram of delivery. 10 million. We are still chasing this A figure, "said Fanani. Measured firm action against M has increased the number of drug dealers or dealers who died in the hands of the police because of their resistance. Based on data from the Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri in 2018, as many as 47 drug suspects were killed. Where 7 of them are foreign nationals (WNA). Director of the Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Eko Daniyanto, said the dozens of suspects who were firmly dealt with were scattered throughout Indonesia. In which, the prosecution was mostly carried out by the North Sumatra Regional Police. Meanwhile, the number of suspects who were detained throughout Indonesia consisted of 12,789 dealers, 1,162 dealers, and 3,839 couriers. "At most, the North Sumatra Regional Police's Narcotics Research Directorate, namely 18 people. Second, the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Research Directorate 10 people and the South Sumatra Regional Police's Narcotics Research Directorate 6 people," Eko said in his written statement, Saturday, December 29 2018. With firm action and legal processes it is hoped that the syndicates or cartels will be able to awaken the syndicates or cartels if the National Police continues to fight against the circulation of narcotics. "We hope that the syndicate can see that the police will not tolerate their actions. We will continue to beat the drums of war against drug syndicates. Enter Indonesia, which means (syndicate). ready to face us, with a legal process that carries the death penalty, "said Eko.