KPK Explores The Names Of DPR Deputy Speakers Azis Syamsuddin And Fahri Hamzah Appears At Edhy Prabowo's Session

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has promised to investigate the names of Deputy Speakers of the House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin and Fahri Hamzah in the bribery case for the export of lobster seeds with the defendant Edhy Prabowo.

"The facts of this trial, both the statements of the witnesses and the defendants, will be analyzed by the KPK JPU team in their indictment," said Acting KPK Spokesperson Ali Fikri, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 16.

According to Ali, analysis is needed to conclude whether the witness statements are interrelated with other evidence. From here, legal facts will be formed to be developed further.

"In principle, of course as long as there are at least two sufficient preliminary evidence, we will make sure this case will be developed by naming another party as a suspect," said Ali.

The names of Deputy Speakers of the House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin and Fahri Hamzah appeared in the bribery case for exporting lobster seeds with the defendant Edhy Prabowo starting from the KPK prosecutor reading the BAP.

The prosecutor read out a conversation between former Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo and his personal secretary named Safri regarding the export of lobster seeds revealed by the prosecutor in the trial.

"This is a WA from BEP. Is it true that this BEP witness, Mr. Edhy Prabowo?" asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor in a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor). "Yes," replied Sapphire.

Safro was a witness for Edhy Prabowo who was charged together with five other defendants who were jointly accused of receiving US$77 thousand and Rp. 24,625 billion, bringing the total to around Rp. 25.75 billion from lobster seed exporting entrepreneurs (BBL).

"It contains the words, 'Saf, this is Mr. Azis Syamsuddin. The deputy chairman of the DPR wants to participate in lobster cultivation. Esda novels. You replied: 'Okay, bro.' What do you mean, the witness answered OK, bro?'," asked the KPK prosecutor.

"I mean, I carry out his orders if it's to help in general, yes," replied Safri

"So there was an order from Mr. Edhy at that time?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes," replied Safri

"What does 'Saf, Safri, come to Syamsuddin first. The Deputy Speaker of the DPR wants to participate in lobster cultivation'. Can the witness explain what PT is associated with that name?" asked the chairman of the panel of judges Albertus Usada

"I don't remember," replied Safri.

Furthermore, the KPK prosecutor showed a conversation between Edhy Prabowo and Safri on May 16, 2020 which included the name of the former Deputy Speaker of the DPR Fahri Hamah.

"On May 16 as well. 'Saf, this is Pak Fahri Hamzah's team going for a lobster walk. Contact immediately and invite a presentation. The witness replied, 'Okay, bro,' Is that right?" asked the prosecutor.

"That's right," replied Sapphire.

"Does that mean there was an order from Edhy? Do you still remember the name of the company?" asked the prosecutor.

"I don't know, but I'm just coordinating with Andreau's brother," replied Safri.

The KPK prosecutor also revealed a conversation between Safri as the Due Diligence Team for Lobster Cultivation Fisheries Business Licensing and the Director of Production and Cultivation Business of the Directorate General of Aquaculture Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Arik Hari Wibowo regarding Safri's request for Arik to take care of the cultivation permits of 3 companies.

"This Mr. Safri sent a whatsapp on June 6, 2020 at 17.02 with the words to Mr. Arik. 'Pak Arik, please give permission to cultivate these 3 companies, sir, thanks'," said the prosecutor.

Furthermore, Arik's reply was as follows "Sir, please let me report that for companies that are incorporated in stages 1 and 2 (18 companies) the letter of determination has been completed with Mbak Isti but there are still many who have not returned the integrity pact to us while the three companies above are members in verification stage 3 or the final stage which is currently being verified by the hall's friends. Some have been completed and the verification report has been received. Currently being processed by Mas Dian for further requesting the signature of the Director General while several existing companies have not yet entered the results of field verification because the place is quite far and remote but the concept of permit for cultivation has been prepared, Mas Dian. Please be pleased that the company can be encouraged to submit an integrity pact that must be signed by the company leadership on a stamp duty because this is stated in the technical guidelines. Thank you".

Safri then replied, "Okay, Mr. Arik, thanks. The third one, Mr. Arik, is on the orders of Mr. MKP, Mr. Arik is for permission to cultivate, Mr. Arik. Thanks."

"What do you mean, Mr. MKP, who is this?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes, Mr. Minister of Marine Affairs," replied Safri.

"Is it true that there was a request for an order from Mr. MKP so that you WhatsApp Mr. Arik?" asked the prosecutor.

"Nothing. It was just me to hurry up with Mr. Arik. I brought his name," replied Safri.

At Safri's request, Arik then replied: "Ready, sir, we will check back with our friends who handle it".

Furthermore, on July 14, 2020, Safri again sent a message to Arik which said, "Mr. Arik please PT Rama Putra to issue a certificate of cultivation. Thanks, sir."

Arik also replied, "Ready, sir. We will coordinate with the friends who handle it. Sorry, I was attending a meeting with the director general so I didn't hear any calls."

Safri returned to reply "Okay Mr. Arik. Thanks. Please for PT Rama Putra".

Arik replied, "Please allow me to submit a letter of determination for PT Rama. Thanks"

Safri again asked for permission from another company, "Please also PT Samudera Mentari Cemerlang, which Mr. Arik has a certificate of cultivation, sir. Thanks, sir."

Safri on July 15, 2020 also requested the same request for PT Samudera Mentari Cemerlang.

"Good morning Mr. Safri requesting permission to report related to PT Samudera MC, friends from the administration team are still communicating with the company through Esti or Mas Galendra so that the company completes its administration. they already have. The report on the implementation of cultivation already has a format, just fill it out and the MoU with a group of people as partners is already in the format, just fill it out. Thank you," said Safri in a "whatsapp" conversation displayed by the KPK prosecutor.

The last time the prosecutor performed the conversation was on August 24, 2020.

"'Pak Arik, please issue a permit for PT Samudera Sumber Anugerah. Sir, Mr. MKP's order, sir. Thanks.' Is that right, you witness?" asked the KPK prosecutor.

"Yes. But Mr. MKP's order only carried the name of MKP," replied Safri.

"By whose orders did you request this acceleration?" asked the prosecutor.

"I am alone, sir," replied Safri.

"What are your interests?" asked the prosecutor.

"They asked for help. The PT-PT asked for help that their equipment was sufficient, but if it's not complete, it can't be done, sir. Pak Arik also refuses," replied Safri.