Don't Be Afraid Of COVID-19 Vaccination, Incidence After Immunization In Indonesia Is Very Low

JAKARTA - One of the obstacles that hampers the COVID-19 vaccination process is the large amount of confusing information related to Post-Immunization Adverse Events (KIPI). The incidence of AEFIs is highlighted more than the success of the vaccination itself.

According to Prof. Herawati Sudoyo Ph.D, Deputy Head of the Eijkman Institute for Fundamental Research, scientists need to speak up in order to straighten out the confusion of information by upholding scientific evidence and data.

“Post Immunization Follow-up Events (KIPI) due to COVID-19 vaccination, for example. It only occurs in what percentage of the millions of people who have been vaccinated. However, it is these little things that get in the news and become big. I think this is where scientists talk about data,” said Prof. Herawati in a virtual dialogue about Vaccination Efforts to Achieve Herd Immunity virtually on YouTube Keminfo TV, Tuesday, June 15.

Currently, Indonesia is entering a critical period where the number of COVID-19 patients is increasing again. Giving this vaccine is a solution

which is considered the most appropriate to reduce the number of cases of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, which has begun to mutate in several countries, including mutations that have entered Indonesia.

Prof. Herawati explained that most of the COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers are trying to achieve an efficacy level of up to 70 percent. To date, research has shown that there is not a single COVID-19 vaccine that is ineffective against the mutation of the COVID-19 virus.

"Nevertheless, there is indeed a decrease in efficacy when the COVID-19 vaccine fights the mutation of the COVID-19 virus. However, this does not reduce the meaning of the protection provided by the COVID-19 vaccine itself," explained Prof. Herawati further.

On the other hand, Rizky Ika Safitri, Communication Specialist of UNICEF, also suggested that the use of simple communication that is easy for the public to understand will help make the vaccination program a success.

The government also continues to strive to bring in a COVID-19 vaccine through various channels to make the vaccination program a success. Bambang Heriyanto, Vaccination Spokesperson for Bio Farma said that until the end of 2021, vaccine manufacturers such as Sinovac have committed to sending vaccines in bulk in the amount of 260 million doses.

There are also vaccines that will be imported from multilateral cooperation channels or COVAX facilities, which now have 8 million doses.

"Then we also have other sources from the bilateral agreement with AstraZeneca with a commitment of 50 million, Novavac 50 million, and if from COVAX we can get a commitment of up to 20% of the population, we can meet the need for vaccine doses for herd immunity," said Bambang. Heriyanto.

“I think if we can work well together, all problems regarding vaccination can be solved. If everyone has been vaccinated, once again we have to remind that vaccines are not the only way to beat this virus. So, those who have started to loosen their health protocols because of the vaccination program, we have to tighten our health protocols again because of new virus mutations that have local transmission," concluded Prof. Herawati.