Land Conquest, 2 OKPs Clash In Deli Serdang

MEDAN - A clash between 2 youth organizations (OKP) occurred in Sampali Village, Percut Seituan District, Deli Serdang Regency.

Percut Seituan Police Chief AKP Janpiter Napitupulu said the clash occurred because the two OKPs were fighting over land tenure.

According to Janpiter, the land being contested by the two OKPs is more than 4 hectares. But now, the police are in control of the situation.

"We have taken the situation under control, it is safe and under control," he told reporters, Tuesday, June 15.

Even though it was under control, he said his party would remain on guard at the location of the clashes.

"Keep on guard, there are additional Sabhara personnel from the Medan Polrestabes to strengthen security," he said.

Janpiter asked those who were victims or were harmed by the impact of the clashes to immediately make a report to the police. He stressed that the police will process the perpetrators in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

"I ask the parties who are victims or are harmed to make a report. I will call the chairman to take responsibility," he said.

As a result of the clashes, a restaurant, a motorbike and an angkot business were damaged. In addition, a journalist was also injured while covering this incident.

"There was one house, the steering wheel glass of the rice shop was broken, a motorbike and an angkot and one press colleague was injured on the right cheek. We suggest to make a report to the Percut Sei Tuan Police," he said