Anies Wins First Place In The Environment Award From The Ministry Of LHK, Ganjar In Third Place
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria won first place in the 2020 Nirwasita Tantra Green Leadership award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK).
The second place went to the Governor and Deputy Governor of DI Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and KGPAA Paku Alam X. Meanwhile, the third place went to the Governor of Central Java and the Deputy Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo and Taj Yasin.
The Nirwasita Tantra award is given to regional heads for their leadership and understanding of environmental issues, their response to policies and actions to address environmental issues, as well as their innovation and leadership in responding to environmental issues.
In his Instagram account, Anies admitted that the DKI Provincial Government has made various efforts to protect and manage the environment, so that in 2020 it is considered to have a fairly good performance.
"This award certainly inspires us to continue to improve performance and innovate in making efforts to protect and manage the environment through collaboration with all relevant stakeholders," said Anies, quoted from the aniesbaswedan account, Tuesday, June 15.
Anies expressed his appreciation for all levels of the DKI Provincial Government, the central government, BUMN, BUMD, and all other stakeholders involved in efforts to protect and manage the environment in Jakarta.
He continued, the principle of sustainable development is the key to improving environmental quality in Jakarta. For this reason, collaboration is needed to promote Jakarta as an inclusive sustainable city.
"The availability of environmental data and information that is open to all parties is needed in the context of environmental protection and management to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals," he explained.