Police Officers Reportedly Embezzled 8 Rental Cars In Pamekasan

PAMEKASAN - Members of the Pamekasan Police, East Java, were reported to the provost section for allegedly embezzling eight rental cars belonging to Pamekasan residents.

Kasi Propam Provost Pamekasan Police Iptu Eko Budi said the police officer who was reported to have embezzled the rental car had the initials DS. Meanwhile, the complainant is a Car Rental Community for Rupiah Fighters.

"This community is headquartered in Tobungan Village, Pamekasan, and the number of cars that were reported to have been embezzled were eight," Eko said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 15.

Currently, he said, his party has examined the reporting party related to the case, recorded the number and type of cars, along with the car's number plates that were embezzled.

"We have also summoned the reported party and the person concerned has admitted his actions," said Eko, without mentioning the full identity of the Pamekasan Police Officer who was reported to have embezzled the rental car.

One of the owners of the Sanigereh rental car at the Pamekasan Police Headquarters, explained that his party reported him because he was an active police member.

Sanigereh, who is a member of the Pamekasan Rupiah Fighter Community, admitted that three units of his car were stolen by police officers, while the other five units belonged to community members.

"This person rents a car to the Rupiah Pejuang community monthly," said Sanigereh.

At that time, the police officer came to the basecamp of the Rupiah Warrior Car Rental Community in Tobungan Village with his wife.

Without suspicion, Sanigerah immediately "approved" of the wishes of DS and his wife, because in Sanigerah's view, the person concerned would not be "negotiated" because he is a civil servant who works in a law enforcement institution, namely the Pamekasan Police.

Within a few days later, DS came to this community again to rent a rental car, with the excuse that it would be used by his family and various other business needs, up to a total of eight vehicles being rented.

When the payback time arrived, according to the agreement between the tenant and the Pejuang Rupiah rental community, the car that was rented to an individual member of the Pamekasan Police Station had not been returned.

The Rupiah Fighters tried to contact the person concerned, but the unit has not been returned, until finally the person concerned was reported to the Provost Polres Pamekasan.

"We are still trying to mediate between the two parties, so that this issue can be resolved immediately," said the Head of Propam for the Pamekasan Police, Iptu Budi, adding.

Reported DS, while at the Pamekasan Police Headquarters admitted his mistake. He promised to return as soon as possible the eight rented cars to the Rupiah Fighter Rental Community. He also admitted that the eight cars were pawned.

"But, I will try as soon as possible to return it to the community and now some have been returned," he said at the Pamekasan Police Headquarters.