The Prosecutor's Answer To Rizieq Shihab's Pleidoi: Shouting Without Evidence Until The Status Of High Priest Sucks

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) denied all the contents of Rizireq Shihab's plea for the UMMI hospital swab result. In fact, the prosecutor said that Rizieq was boasting without any evidence to the point that the status of the High Priest was just a figment.

The prosecutor's statement began when he delivered a replica or answer to the memorandum of defense (pleidoi) in the trial at the East Jakarta District Court.

"If we re-reveal during the examination of witnesses and experts, it is the defendant who often asks for the opinion of factual witnesses by giving parables about the story of a father, son, and doctor," said the prosecutor, Monday, June 14.

In addition, in the parable, Rizieq always cuts him up. That is, do not use the complete story as stated in the indictment.

So, in that way, all the fact-witness witnesses that Rizieq questioned were of the opinion that the former FPI High Priest was not lying.

"With the imaginary story that was deliberately cut, it did not tell us that the father had been tested for antigen and the result was antigen and the result was reactive," said the prosecutor.

"But the story only started when the father entered (the hospital) because he was tired and if the cut story was asked to a fact witness, of course the witness gave the answer not lying," continued the prosecutor.

For this reason, the prosecutor considers Rizieq's method only to build the opinions of the witnesses. In fact, everything that happened was in accordance with what was stated in the indictment.

"This was all done by the defendant to build an opinion, justification that the defendant did not lie. Even though the story has been cut and is not complete," said the prosecutor.

Then, the prosecutor also considered that Rizieq only conveyed his complaints in a memorandum of defense or plea. This is because the contents of the plea agreement were deemed inconsistent with the results of the UMMI hospital swab results.

"Habib Muhammad Rizieq has conveyed too many complaints that have almost nothing to do with the subject matter that is being tried," said the prosecutor.

The prosecutor also highlighted Rizieq's statement about the anti-God oligarchy. According to the prosecutor, there is no group or anyone who is anti-God. Because all Indonesian citizens have a legitimate religion or belief.

Even the prosecutor considered Rizieq inappropriate to say that in the trial. The reason, there is no clear evidence and basis.

"The anti-God oligarchy, I don't know who the anti-God oligarchy is, even though all citizens have a legal belief in God," said the prosecutor.

"The defendant should have described his frustration, this is not the place. Don't boast without a strong argument," continued the prosecutor.

Not only that, Rizieq's statement that dragged a number of names such as Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok to Diaz Hendropriyono was deemed inappropriate or out of touch. In fact, Rizieq is said to be very easy to blaspheme against others.

"Emotions without control and linking other people in defense that have nothing to do with them at all. Among them is the Ahok case, also connecting with Abu Janda, Ade Armando, Denny Siregar, apart from that, connecting with Diaz Hendropriyono, all of which have no connection," said the prosecutor.

The prosecutor emphasized that in the eyes of the law there is no difference between religions. Because, there are clear rules, namely, the 1945 Constitution.

"In the judiciary, not only Islam, but all religions that have been outlined in Law 45 that everyone must receive the same position of punishment," said the prosecutor.

A similar assessment from the prosecutor was also related to Rizieq's statement that alluded to his meeting with the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Budi Gunawan and the Former National Police Chief General (Ret.) Tito Karnavian and communicating with the former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto. According to the prosecutor's team, it has nothing to do with the case at trial. In fact, Rizieq is said to be just looking for a stage.

"In the pleadings the defendant told stories that had nothing to do with legal facts, by mentioning several names, namely Budi Gunawan, former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto, Kyai Maruf Amin who is now the vice president of the Republic of Indonesia or General Tito Karnavian, TNI special forces who are not has to do with the facts of the trial with the a quo case," said the prosecutor.

In addition, the prosecutor thought the stories were just for attention. Thus, it does not deserve special attention.

In fact, the story that describes Rizieq's condition during his flight in Saudi Arabia is only considered as a way to blame other parties for his case.

"The prosecutor considers that there is no relevance. The stories of the defendants seem to be looking for a stage to blame other parties and unilaterally justify what the defendants did," he said.

Until finally, the prosecutor assessed that Rizieq, who was mentioned as the high priest, was just a figment. This is because Rizieq often uses harsh words that are inappropriate to be expressed in court.

"There is no need to file a defense with words that violate the nation's norms with unhealthy words that promote emotion, let alone blaspheme," said the prosecutor.

Rizieq's words, which were considered harsh, were for example accusing the prosecutor of being seditious, deceitful or fraudulent, cunning, and without shame. Those words were considered as an insult to the prosecutor.

"There is no shame, disgusting, deceitful and cunning as 40, 42, 43 46, 108, 112. It is customary to lie, stubborn, stubborn evil maneuvers, which demon is possessed, very evil and disturbing, as pleading," said the prosecutor.

In addition, the prosecutor also mentioned Rizieq's statement that the prosecutor was only used as a tool for the oligarchs as a baseless accusation. Thus, the statement is inappropriate.

Moreover, Rizieq Shihab's social status, who is called the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) should be an example of good attitude and speech.

"Without a filter, sentences like this were uttered by the defendant and should not have been said which claimed to have akhlakul karimah but the defendant easily used harsh words as above," said the prosecutor.

"It turns out that what is being touted as the high priest is just a figment," continued the prosecutor.

For information, in this case Rizieq Shihab is required to be sentenced to 6 years in prison. Rizieq was found guilty of spreading false news about his health.

Rizieq and his son-in-law, Hanif Alatas said that he was in good health. In fact, based on the results of his PCR swab, he tested positive for COVID-19.