Markus Viktor Dies In Jayapura Because He Was Beaten By Iron And Tied To A Fence, The Mob Surrenders Himself

JAKARTA - The Heram Police, Jayapura, Papua arrested two perpetrators of the beating that resulted in the death of the victim Markus Viktor Manobar (21). The two perpetrators surrendered to the Heram Police Headquarters.

Heram police chief Iptu Alfrit B. Nadek, SH said the two perpetrators, FR (26) and AS (25) immediately surrendered to the Heram police station when they learned that the victim had died on Sunday, June 13.

The police chief said that the incident took place on Sunday, June 13 in the early hours of the morning at Taqwa Mosque Alley, Padang Bulan, to be precise in the Sorong Dormitory, Hedam Village, Heram District.

"The beatings were carried out by four people with the initials JR, AS, KK and AA against two victims, namely Markus Viktor Manobar and Jimmy Ondoafo on the grounds that the two victims were suspected of having stolen a motorcycle," said Iptu Nadek, quoted from the Police Public Relations statement, Monday, June 14. .

The abuse occurred when the perpetrator picked up the victim and took her to the field. The victim was beaten with wooden and iron blocks. The victim was also tied to a fence until he was unconscious.

In the morning, there were residents who saw the victim lying. Markus Viktor is unconscious, while the victim Jimmy Ondoafo is still conscious.

"The two witnesses immediately evacuated the victim to provide treatment," he explained.

Both were taken to the hospital. But Viktor Manobar died in medical treatment at the Abepura Hospital.

“Victim Jimmy Ondoafo accompanied by witnesses immediately reported the incident to the Mapolsek for follow-up. Where from the beating incident, the victim Viktor Manobar died due to bruises on his head, face, right hand as well as on the right and left legs as well as the back of the back, torn wounds on the forehead. Meanwhile, the victim Jimmy Ondoafo suffered bruises on his right eye, abrasions on the back of his head and right cheek," concluded the police chief.

The two perpetrators who surrendered were FR and AS. Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators, KK and AA, are still being chased by the police.

"The case has now been transferred to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jayapura City Police with the two suspects," he said