Prevent COVID-19 By Eating Fish Diligently

JAKARTA - The immune system or immunity of a person becomes a shield to prevent infection with the new corona virus which is currently endemic. One of the efforts we can do to prevent infection with the new corona virus is to eat fish diligently.

The nutritional content in fish has the potential to prevent viruses, said UNAIR Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) lecturer, Muhamad Nur Ghoyatul Amin. "Looking at the nutritional aspect, yes, fish has the potential to prevent infection from bacteria, fungi and viruses," said Ghoyatul as quoted by the UNAIR website.

A scientific article entitled Potential Interventions for Novel Coronavirus in China: A Systematic Review explains the potential for macro and micro nutrients that play a role in managing viral infections in general. These nutrients include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, omega 3 fatty acids and minerals such as salinium, iron and zinc.

"From the list of nutrients, fish has the potential to be used as a preventive method to reduce the risk of viral infection," said Ghoyatul who is a food chemistry researcher.

Fish that have the potential to reduce the risk of infection with viruses are not only finned, such as milkfish, tuna, dory, tilapia, catfish, catfish. Other aquatic biota such as shrimp, sea cucumber, squid, octopus and seaweed are also potential fish.

More specifically, fish that contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are tuna, mackerel, catfish and salmon. However, if you feel that fish is difficult to reach, we can also eat fish that are easier to reach, such as "Selar fish, pomfret, kurisi, bilis, puffer fish, boso fish, peperek fish, layur fish, and shellfish which can be found in the Java Sea. , "Said Ghoyatul.

Meanwhile, vitamin D is widely found in marine fish. Meanwhile, high levels of vitamin A and B complex can be obtained from shellfish, squid and shrimp.

Meanwhile, to process the fish, it can be fried, steamed and grilled. However, so that fish nutrition is more resistant is when processed by steaming or steam.

Meanwhile, Asian people, said Ghoyatul, generally prefer fried fish products because of their delicious taste. This is because of the combination of protein and fatty acids in fish coupled with chemical reactions in the frying pan. Unfortunately, this method of processing reduces the nutrition at most, said Ghoyatul.

Finally, Ghoyatul also reminded us to be smart in choosing the quality of fish. "Do not let the fish be taken from the environment that comes from areas that contain high pollution such as heavy metals and harmful bacteria," he concluded.