PDIP Faction Criticizes Bobby Nasution For Not Being Transparent About Taxes

MEDAN - The PDI-P faction of DPRD Medan, North Sumatra, accused the Medan City Government, led by Bobby Nasution, of not being transparent about the potential for regional taxes and levies to the legislature.

"Receipts of PAD (original regional income) are minimal, and the legislative oversight function is hampered over tax payment compliance," said spokesman for the PDI-P faction of the Medan DPRD, Roby Barus, in Medan, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 14.

He said this when conveying the general view of the factions in a plenary meeting related to the Ranperda concerning the Accountability Report for the Implementation of the Medan Regional Budget for the 2020 Fiscal Year.

This, said the chairman of the PDI-P faction at the Medan DPRD, resulting in the revenue target being charged by the Medan Regional Tax and Retribution Management Agency of Rp. 4.12 trillion, consisting of PAD of Rp. 1.5 trillion, transfer income of Rp. 2.57 trillion, and legal income of Rp. 133.17 billion. not achieved.

"This means that the realization of regional income in 2020 only reached 86.63 percent of the more than Rp4.75 trillion target. There is a shortfall of Rp636.26 billion that cannot be realized," he said.

This faction is an indication of a leak carried out by unscrupulous officials, thus questioning the steps of the Medan City Government to suppress the leak.

"We, the PDI-P of the Medan DPRD, have asked the mayor to strictly implement this form of supervision regarding the implementation of tax collection," Barus said.