Hong Kong Director Wong Kar Wai Prepares Sequel In The Mood For Love

JAKARTA - Director Wong Kar Wai is preparing a sequel to the film In the Mood for Love, namely Blossoms. The filming process, which was stopped due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will resume next July.

Reporting from Variety, Thursday, May 14, Wong has booked Hengdian World Studios in China from May to March 2021. Initially, Blossoms filming will be done in Shanghai but to maintain safety, the production team chose to do it in the studio rather than the streets of China.

Blossoms is not completely a sequel because this film will adapt the novel by Jin Yucheng released in 2013. Wong explained, Blossoms is a film with the same nuances as In the Mood for Love which he released in 2000.

Jin Yuchen's novel tells of three Shanghai people who went through the Chinese cultural revolution in 1960 until their life in America in 1990.

He chose to create this story because he was inspired by Jin Yucheng's work and his interest in mixing Chinese and American.

"I think the Sino-American experience has something to do with what is becoming modern China today," Wong explained as quoted by Indiewire.

Wong announced this news last year, but a long process is needed to get back to filming. Blossoms will be his newest work after directing The Grandmasters in 2013. Although there is no definite date yet, audiences, especially fans of Wong's work, can anticipate this new work.

In addition, Wong Kar Wai has recently restored all of his film projects starting from As Tears Go By (1968) to The Grandmasters.