Don't Dream Of Owning A Car If You Don't Have Parking Space In Jakarta, This Is The Punishment

JAKARTA - In Jakarta, there is a regional regulation (regional regulation) that requires vehicle owners to have parking spaces. If there is no parking space, be prepared for sanctions to threaten you. So before buying a car, what must be prepared first is the vehicle parking area.

The DKI Jakarta Transportation Service reminded the public, especially vehicle owners, regarding the regional regulation that stipulates that every motorized vehicle owner must have a garage. Head of North Jakarta Transportation Sub-department, Harlem Simanjuntak, said that his party will conduct socialization to the public so as not to park their vehicles on the shoulder of the road or on sidewalks to reduce congestion.

"Regional Regulation of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta Number 5 of 2014 Article 140 concerning Transportation confirms that every person or business entity that owns a motorized vehicle is obliged to own or control a garage," said Harlem Simanjuntak in the Socialization of Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning Transportation, Monday. 14 June at the PWI Jaya Secretariat, Harmoni, Central Jakarta.

Chairman of PWI Jakarta Sayid Iskandarsyah gave a speech at this discussion. (Special)

The socialization of Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning Transportation was carried out by Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Steven Setiabudi Musa.

In addition to Harlem Simanjuntak, who represented the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, the socialization also presented Sereida Tambunan, a member of the 2014-2029 DKI Jakarta DPRD, as well as Yuriko Chandra Montolalu, an academic from the College of Law (STIH-Painan), Serang, and Agus, an Expert ( TA) from Steven Setiabudi Musa. Acting as moderator, Prof. Dr. Radjab Ritonga, M.Si, a senior journalist and Director of the Central PWI Journalist Competency Test (UKW).

The chairman of PWI Jaya, Sayid Iskandarsyah, opened and closed the socialization activity which was held for the first time at PWI Jaya, emphasizing the importance of information about garages for owners of four or more road vehicles. “It is appropriate if you want to have a car, you must first have a garage. If you don't have a garage, where will you park your car?" he said rhetorically.

Harlem Simanjuntak explained at length Article 140 of the Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning Transportation (1) Every person or business entity that owns a motorized vehicle is required to own or control a garage. (2) Any person or business entity that owns a motorized vehicle is prohibited from storing a motorized vehicle in the space belonging to the road.

Meanwhile, Article (3) Every person or business entity that intends to purchase a motorized vehicle is required to own or control a garage to store the vehicle as evidenced by a certificate of garage ownership from the local kelurahan.

Whereas Article (4) proof of garage ownership as referred to in paragraph (3) is a requirement for the issuance of a Motorized Vehicle Number Certificate. And article (5) Further provisions regarding the ownership of motorized vehicles are regulated by a Governor Regulation.

Harlem Simanjuntak emphasized that his party will also take action against motorized vehicles parked in residential areas for security reasons if at any time a disaster occurs and road access is blocked by vehicles parked on the shoulder of the road. "Actually, you can't get a STNK, but if you are forced to get a STNK now, once you park on the road, we have to tow it," he said.

Sanctions that will be imposed include the transportation of cars by the DKI Dishub to the revocation of the Vehicle Number Certificate. "There are those who protest why the settlements are also being towed. I asked who this car belongs to? Who owns the road? The local regulation states that it is mandatory to own or control the garage," he said.

So please think again for those of you who want to buy a car or vehicle but don't have a parking space yet.