This Is The Reason For The Government's Insensitivity To Raise BPJS Health Contributions

JAKARTA - The government's decision to increase BPJS Health fees in the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 has received public criticism. This increase is considered by many to be a form of insensitivity, even lack of empathy because of the uncertain economic conditions in society amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ministry of Finance explained that the goal of this increase in contributions is to improve the National Health Insurance (JKN) ecosystem. Kunta Wibawa Dasa, Expert Staff of the Minister of Finance for State Expenditure, said that the adjustment of JKN contributions was aimed at ensuring that this health program was sustainable and also provided timely and quality services.

Kunta said, on the basis of improving quality health services, Perpres 64/2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Perpres 82/2018 concerning Health Insurance was present. The increase in fees is not only to cover BPJS Health deficit.

"Not only there (closing the deficit), we want to improve the JKN contribution system, regarding benefits, basic service needs, and matters related to the JKN ecosystem, to remain healthy and sustainable. The idea is more there," he said, in a video conference with journalists. with the theme 'National Health Insurance Budget', in Jakarta, Thursday, May 14.

On the other hand, Kunta denied that the government's decision to increase BPJS Health contributions did not respect the Supreme Court's decision regarding Presidential Decree 75/2019 concerning Health Insurance. According to him, in the Supreme Court's decision there were three things, one of which was regarding the improvement of the JKN ecosystem.

"The Supreme Court's decision emphasizes the improvement of the JKN ecosystem. Perpres 64/2020 actually wants to answer that," he explained.

Government Does Its Best?

Director General of Finance Askolani said, regarding the increase in BPJS Health contributions, it does not apply to class III, there is no increase at all. Participants still pay IDR 25,500 for 2020. Then, class II dues stipulated by Perpres 64/2020 decreased by Rp. 10,000 from the Presidential Decree 75/2019.

According to Askolani, participants in the category of Paid Workers (PPU) can also adjust their class choices according to their financial ability. Not only that, he emphasized, the policy of increasing BPJS Health contributions is for the short and long term.

"The government is doing its best in this health service, in accordance with the law to provide health services that are sustainable and sustainable," he explained.

Regarding the rejection of the increase in premiums for class III participants, Askolani explained that this was only in writing in Perpres 64/2020. However, for implementation, the government still provides subsidized payments.

"Indeed, the class III tariff regulations go up, it only increases in the Presidential Decree. But in its implementation it is not. Because in this pandemic the government has provided funding assistance of up to Rp. 3.1 trillion. So still Rp. 25,500, implementation in the field has not increased because the government remains help, "he said.

Furthermore, Askolani confirmed that there would be an increase in tuition fees for class III in 2021. This is explained in article 34 paragraph 1 of Perpres 64/2020. However, the increase was not significant.

"Even in 2021, there will be a slight adjustment of Rp35,000, but the central and local governments will support to reduce the burden on the community," he said.

Presidential Decree 64/2020 Forms Goodwill

Member of the National Social Security Council (DJSN) Indra Budi Sumantoro said President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) decision to increase the BPJS Health premium is still in the corridor of the Supreme Court's decision regarding Presidential Decree 75/2019.

Indra explained that Perpres 64/2020 has matched Perpres 75/2019 which was rejected by the MA. According to him, the amount of dues regulated in the latest Presidential Decree is not much different from the rejected Presidential Regulation. However, here the government has paid attention to the principles of the national social security system (SJSN).

"It is precisely what the government issues in the Presidential Decree 64/2020 concerning National Health Insurance, there is good faith there. This takes into account the SJSN principles, namely humanity, justice and benefits," he said.

Indra explained, in Article 65 paragraph 3 of the BPJS Law it is stated that in the event of a financial crisis and certain conditions burdening the economy, the government can take special measures to maintain financial health and the sustainability of the social security program.

"In the explanation it is stated that the special action can be in the form of compilation of fees and benefits. So what the government is doing is in line, according to the applicable law. If there is another judicial review, legal action must also be taken," he said.

As is known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has again increased the BPJS Health dues, after it had previously been canceled. This increase is contained in Presidential Decree Number 64 of 2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance.

The regulation was signed by President Joko Widodo on Tuesday, May 5. The increase in contributions for independent participants in the non-wage worker (PBPU) and non-worker (BP) segment is regulated in Article 34 as follows:

The Class I Contribution of IDR 150 thousand per person per month is paid by PBPU Participants and BP Participants or other parties on behalf of Participants.

Class II Contribution of Rp. 100,000 per person per month is paid by PBPU Participants and BP Participants or other parties on behalf of Participants.

The Class III contribution in 2020 is IDR 25,500, in 2021 and the following year it is IDR 35 thousand.

This Presidential Regulation states, the provisions for the amount of contributions above will take effect on July 1.