Prosecutor Reads BAP Ihsan Yunus Often To Juliari Room, Kemensos Office: Correct

JAKARTA - Director of Social Protection for Victims of Natural Disasters (PSKBA) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, M. Syafii Nasution, revealed that former Social Minister Juliari Batubara was close to the former Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII from the PDI-P Faction Ihsan Yunus.

"I know that Brother Ihsan Yunus is indeed very close to the Minister, Juliari Batubara, and I also know that Brother Ihsan Yunus often visits the Minister's room," asked the KPK public prosecutor (JPU) Ikhsan Fernandi at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Jakarta, Monday.

"That's right," replied Syafii.

Syafii was a witness for the defendant Juliari Batubara who was charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 32.482 billion from 109 companies providing social assistance for COVID-19.

"Ihsan Yunus, the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII, once came to my room, we discussed the program because Commission VIII and we are working partners. At that time, we had an emergency situation that we had to help from Pak Ihsan's constituency in Jambi and we discussed the program and COVID-19," said Syafii.

The conversation, according to Syafii, took place in March 2020, not long after Syafii was appointed Director of PSKBA on March 19, 2020.

Shortly after Ihsan visited Syafii, Ihsan Yunus's messenger named Agustri Yogasmara alias Yogas met Syafii.

"Yogas was sent by Mr. Ihsan, Mr. Yogas said, for the social safety net package, such as the procurement of PPE (personal protective equipment), disinfectants," said Syafii.

The KPK prosecutor then read out Syafii's BAP again

"In BAP No. 6, you said, 'At that time he (Ihsan Yunus) told me that he had just visited from the office of Minister Juliari Batubara and had already spoken about packages for procuring COVID-19 assistance,'" said prosecutor Ikhsan reading out Syafii's BAP. .

Syafii explained that Ihsan intends to work on several packages for the procurement of COVID-19 disaster assistance at the PSKBA Directorate which he leads.

"At that time I immediately stated that I was ready and immediately agreed to his request. At that time, it happened that at the PSKBA Directorate there was a package of packages for the procurement of supporting equipment for the COVID-19 outbreak, such as masks, disinfectants, gloves, and PPE. the procurement package in our directorate to Ihsan Yunus," he said.

After that, Syafii then called two of his staff named Matheus Joko Santoso and Deni, then asked them to take care of the administration related to Ihsan Yunus' procurement packages.

"Technically then the work packages belonging to Mr. Ihsan Yunus were carried out by his staff or operators who took care of his procurement packages at the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely Brothers Yogas and Iman Ikram', is this true, witness?" asked the prosecutor.

"That's right," replied Syafii.

According to Syafii, Matheus Joko also made a written report regarding the package.

"Furthermore, Brother Ihsan Yunus received a total package of Rp. 54,430,150,000.00 consisting of the following packages, as in table number 1, the name of the package for the procurement of assistance for handling COVID-19 PT DS Solution," said the prosecutor.

"So, is there a company appointed by Yogas?" asked the prosecutor Ikhsan.

"I don't have any appointments, this is up to those who are able and willing because many have come to submit. I don't know exactly because my team is handling it and Pak Ihsan also goes directly to Pak Joko," answered Syafii.