The Second Phase Of DKI Bansos Starts With 60 Thousand Groceries Today

JAKARTA - The safety net program in the form of second phase basic food assistance from the DKI Provincial Government to its citizens has begun to be distributed today. On the first day of distribution, social assistance was distributed to 60 thousand heads of families (KK).

Head of PD Pasar Jaya's Wholesale Retail Distribution Division, Edison Sembiring, said that the distribution of aid for the poor and vulnerable to the poor who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic began in East Jakarta.

"We got data from the social service for distribution in the Pasar Rebo and Cipayung districts," said Edison when contacted, Thursday, April 14.

Separately, member of the PSI DPRD DKI Faction, Eneng Malianasari, via his Twitter account, stated that the second phase of social assistance from the DKI Provincial Government is distributed by BUMD DKI Perumda Pasar Jaya.

One package of basic food contains 10 kilograms of rice, 1 can of biscuits, 4 cans of small sardines, 2 liters of oil, 2 packs of vermicelli, 520 milliliters of soy sauce, 1 kilogram of wheat flour, and 1 stick of soap.

"Update! Delivery of the second phase of social assistance from the provincial government will be distributed as of May 14th. The recipients of this second stage of social assistance will total around 800 thousand families. The duration of the delivery of social assistance is 10 days until May 22. Rp. 25 thousand per package, "said Eneng in a Twitter account @milliyya.

Previously, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Riza Patria stated that the total recipients of social assistance in DKI were 2.15 million households (KK). Initially, the recipients of the first phase of social assistance that had been distributed were 1.19 million. Then, the registered recipients were converted back into 931,831 households. Then, there were additional recipients of 277,997 households.

"This additional data comes from records compiled by SKPD. They are ojol, fishermen, affected UMKM, opang, taxi driver, bajaj, public transportation driver, bus driver, art worker, KJMU holder, and data from Central Java," said Riza.

In addition, there are additional recipient data that comes from independent submissions from residents who feel they need help. There were 943,358 families who submitted to their respective RT and RW to be validated and entered into the recipient.

Of the total recipients, the distribution of social assistance to 853,196 families will be distributed by the DKI Provincial Government. Meanwhile, 1.3 million households were channeled by the central government through the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"From 2,153,196 families, the central and regional governments are divided. We are grateful for the assistance from the central government for the citizens of DKI," said Riza.