Reveals 1.1 Tons Of Shabu Smuggling, National Police Chief Sigit Calls Middle East Network 'Playing' With Prisoners

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya and Polres Metro Jakarta Pusat thwarted efforts to circulate 1.1 tons of methamphetamine by international networks. In this case, the perpetrators cooperated with the inmates at the Cilegon Correctional Institution.

"Revealing the drug transactions of the Middle East network, which this time they are collaborating with both Indonesian and foreign citizens who are inmates in prisons in Cilegon," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to reporters, Monday, June 14.

In addition, said Sigit, in this case his party has named seven suspects. Two of them are foreign nationals and the rest are Indonesian citizens.

"Five Indonesian citizens with the initials MR, AH, HS, NB and EK as well as two citizens from Nigeria CSN and OJN. From the results of research, these items come from the Middle East and Africa," said Sigit.

Disclosure of the circulation of narcotics, continued Sigit, took quite a long time. This is because a joint team from Polda Metro Jaya and Polres Metro Jakarta Pusat must explore various matters for approximately a few weeks.

From early May to June, investigators continued to explore various information and clues. In fact, 1.1 tons of methamphetamine was obtained from four different locations.

"This disclosure was carried out in four places, namely at Mount Sindur, at that time it was 393 kilograms, the second was at Pasar Modern Bekasi at 511 kilograms, the third was at the Basura Apartment in East Jakarta and the fourth was at the Grand Pramuka Apartment," he said.

With the disclosure and the evidence found, the suspects in drug trafficking face the death penalty. Because, they are suspected of Article 114 paragraph 2, Article 115 paragraph 2, Article 112 paragraph 2, Article 13 paragraphs 1 and 2, RI Law number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.