When Firli Bahuri Was Reported Again To The KPK Supervisory Board For Helicopter

JAKARTA - The head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri has been reported to the supervisory board by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). This report relates to the use of a helicopter when he traveled from Palembang to Baturaja.

Although reports related to this ethical violation were previously carried out by the Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) in 2020, ICW believes that what they report to the KPK Supervisory Board is different. This report was submitted by ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana on Friday, June 11, who visited the ACLC KPK Building, Jalan Rasuna Said, South Jakarta.

"Today ICW reported back Firli Bahuri on suspicion of violating the code of ethics," said Kurnia at the time.

In addition to reporting to the KPK Council, said Kurnia, ICW has also reported Firli's alleged receipt of gratification to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"This is related to the criminal reporting that we have submitted to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. But this time it is not a criminal problem, but an ethical issue regulated in the Dewas Regulation Number 2 of 2020, especially Article 4 which stipulates that every KPK person, one of them the KPK leadership must act honestly behave," said the anti-corruption activist.

He said Firli was not being honest when he rented the helicopter. The reason is that the former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK did not report when he rented a helicopter.

"When we receive something that we consider a discount in the context of helicopter rental, it is Firli Bahuri's obligation to report it to the KPK. But we didn't see that happening, so we reported the person concerned to the KPK Council," said Kurnia.

Furthermore, he ensured that what he reported today was different from the MAKI report in 2020 at which time, Firli Bahuri had been given a light sanction by the KPK Supervisory Board. Because, in the report submitted by ICW, Firli's dishonesty is more of a focus.

Moreover, based on the information they got, the price for the rental of the Eurocopter (EC) helicopter, code PK-JTO, that Firli was traveling in was around Rp. 39 million per hour. Meanwhile, Firli said renting a helicopter was Rp. 7 million per hour.

Thus, the KPK Supervisory Board is considered to be able to explore more deeply the helicopter rental receipts that Firli had submitted. Moreover, said Kurnia, ICW has attached its findings.

"The receipt was traced because the value was very odd. If we look further, Firli argues that one hour of helicopter rental is IDR 7 million, we don't see the amount like that, because four hours of around IDR 30 million we think it's far beyond that, because there is a difference around Rp140 million which was not reported by the KPK chairman," he explained.

"We attach some of our findings related to the comparison of helicopter rental prices in several companies. And indeed the figures presented by Firli in the Dewas trial which were listed in the Dewas decision were very odd and moreover the helicopters used were luxurious helicopters," Kurnia added.

This was then responded to by the KPK, which said it respected the reporting of the alleged ethical violation. This report is even referred to as a form of public control over anti-corruption agencies.

"We see this as a function of public control that is running well in the corruption eradication agenda carried out by the KPK," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters quoted on Saturday, June 12.

Even so, he said that the ICW report regarding the use of helicopters by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri had actually been processed and the results were announced to the public on September 24.

However, his party did not object to the report made by the anti-corruption activists and invited the KPK Supervisory Board to carry out its duties. "KPK still respects the duties and authorities of the KPK Supervisory Board for this report and fully submits it to the follow-up process," said Ali.

Furthermore, he emphasized that this report would not interfere with the work of eradicating corruption. It is also ensured that all corruption eradication work will continue to be based on the applicable laws and regulations.

"KPK is committed to continuing to carry out the entire agenda and strategy to eradicate corruption," he said.

"We are trying to solve corruption cases that were in arrears years ago and also uncover new corruption allegations indiscriminately," Ali added.

Remembering again when Firli was given a light ethical sanction

In 2020, Firli was found guilty of violating the code of ethics for using a helicopter for his personal interests, namely visiting family graves in the Baturaja area. At that time, the KPK Supervisory Board found him guilty of violating the prohibition on a luxurious lifestyle.

"Judging, stating that the examinee is proven to have violated the code of ethics," said Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, when reading the ethics trial verdict which was broadcast online, Thursday, September 24, 2020.

For his actions, the KPK Supervisory Board then imposed sanctions on the former Deputy for Enforcement with the aim of not repeating his mistakes.

"Punish the examinee with a light sanction of two written warnings, namely so that the examinee does not repeat his actions," said Tumpak.

In the trial, the KPK Supervisory Board considered that Firli had not heeded his obligations and was fully aware that all attitudes and actions were always inherent in his capacity as a member of the commission.

As the Chairperson of the KPK, he should show exemplary in his daily actions and behavior in accordance with Article 4 paragraph 1 letter n and Article 8 paragraph 1 letter F of the KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

In his decision, Dewas said that the thing that weighed on Firli was not realizing the violations that had been committed. In addition, the former Deputy for Enforcement of the Corruption Eradication Commission, who was supposed to be a role model for serving as a leader, did the opposite.

Meanwhile, the mitigating factor is that Firli has never been convicted of a code of ethics and code of conduct, as well as being cooperative in the trial.

Responding to the results of the trial, Firli said that he had accepted the decision taken by Tumpak Hatorangan, cs. He said he would never do it again.

"To all Indonesian people who may be uncomfortable and I certainly accept the decision and I make sure I will never repeat it. Thank you," said Firli briefly before the trial was closed.