Bima Arya Solve GKI Yasmin Problem After 15 Years Of Polemic, Netizen: Bravo Kang Bima!

BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya finally resolved the GKI Yasmin polemic after 15 years of polemics. The Bogor City Government, said Bima, has officially donated a land area of 1,668 M2 to build a church.

This record of success was also stated by Bima Ara via Twitter, @BimaAryaS, Sunday, June 13. "Alhamdulillah, after 15 years @Pemkotabogor & #GKI The court agreed to grant land on Jl Kh Abdullah bin Nuh for a house of worship. Thank you MUI & FKUB," wrote Bima Arya.

"Peace cannot be achieved by coercion and mutual judgment. Peace must be built on equality and mutual understanding. #SolusiGKI," added Bima Arya.

He added that the GKI Yasmin polemic since 2006 requires a lot of energy to resolve. According to records, there were 30 large-scale formal meetings up to 1000 informal meetings to find solutions to problems.

With this hard work, Bima wants to prove that the City Government guarantees and ensures the right to worship for all citizens.

"Today is proof that the state is here to guarantee the rights that our brothers and sisters in the GKI congregation must get. Today is the realization of the commitment and promise of the City Government to solve the problem of the need for houses of worship," explained Bima.

Bima's upload on Twitter received a positive response from netizens. The @YUSKAPI**** account said this was an extraordinary achievement from Bima Arya. "Mas Wali's extraordinary achievement. The city of Bogor has succeeded in showing a tolerant image in the eyes of the world. Strong leadership is the solution to reconcile diversity."

"BRAVO KANG BIMA ARYA," tweeted @Anthony****

"Thank you, kang walkot," @LeoPandie9