There Is An Assumption That KPK Fugitive Harun Masiku Has Been Removed

JAKARTA - Harun Masiku, former Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Harun Masiku, has yet to be arrested. A number of parties later suspected that the PDI-P politician was deliberately removed to protect others from legal traps.

Member of Commission III DPR RI from the Democratic Faction Didik Mukrianto was one of the suspects. He questioned the whereabouts of Harun Masiku, who escaped when the hand-arrest operation (OTT) against Wahyu Setiawan was carried out last January.

"Where is Harun Masiku? The KPK is helpless or tricked? The not yet arrested suspect Harun Masiku is part of a series of bad portraits of law enforcement to eradicate corruption by the KPK," Didik said in a written statement, Wednesday, May 13.

Apart from Harun, he also touched on other KPK fugitives, namely former Supreme Court Secretary Nurhadi and his son-in-law Rezky Herbiyono, Hiendra Soenjoto, and Samin Tan.

According to him, both the KPK and the police were not serious in searching for the fugitives. This is because the police have always been able to arrest and dismantle terrorist networks and cells but are now unable to locate fugitives from the KPK.

Didik said that corruptors and terrorists actually fall into the category of extraordinary crimes. It's just that the terrorist movement has been carefully planned while the movement of fugitive corruptors is not.

So he questioned the reasons why the KPK and the National Police have not been able to arrest the fugitive corruptors. Primarily, catching Harun Masiku.

"If the KPK and the police are not sure about the public opinion that Harun Masiku has been lost or disappeared or has been disabled, show his seriousness. Catch the fugitive immediately," he said.

Moreover, Harun's disappearance could potentially obscure the bribery case against Wahyu Setiawan, whose process is still ongoing.

"The loss of Harun Masiku has the potential to eliminate corruption or other accompanying crimes that may have been committed by some people related to bribery of former KPU member Wahyu Setiawan," he said.

The disappearance of Harun, said Didik, should not make the public skeptical and give the impression of being negligent. Because, it is dangerous to think that there are parties protecting Harun. Moreover, the KPK has been known for its track record of being able to catch fugitives.

"The record of the KPK so far is quite professional and fast in handling corruption issues, including arresting fugitives even though they have fled to various countries," he said.

Before Didik, the Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman believed that Harun Masiku had passed away. It's just that he admits he has no evidence.

This belief arises because so far MAKI has often received information on the movements of fugitives, including former MA Secretary Nurhadi. However, from every information that came in, no one mentioned the existence of Harun Masiku.

"Only the belief that HM is dead, only in comparison with Nurhadi (former MA Secretary) there is always new information valid every week," said Boyamin some time ago.

Dispensing with the issue of Harun Masiku's death

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) responded to the wild issue regarding the death of Harun Masiku. Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri said that until now his party had never received any information about the PDIP politician's death.

"So far the KPK has not obtained valid information and evidence that the suspect HAR (Harun Masiku) has died," he said when confirmed by reporters.

The search, he said, is still ongoing today. The KPK also continues to coordinate to find a bribe for this KPU Commissioner. In addition, the existing cases will also continue even though Harun has not been arrested.

A similar statement was also made by the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri. The former South Sumatra Police Chief said that his party never stopped searching for Harun Masiku or other DPOs.

"We have never stopped searching and pursuing suspects with DPO status," said Firli.

Police Headquarters also responded to the question of Harun's whereabouts. Head of National Police Headquarters Penum, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan said that his party is still looking for the fugitive. "The National Police is still trying to find Harun Masiku in order to help the KPK," he said.